Have Your Say on Rate Capping – Campaspe

12 June 2015 Ratepayers across the Campaspe Shire can have their say on the Andrews Labor Government’s proposed cap on rates. Nationals Member for Murray Plains said the Liberal-Nationals Coalition had always worked hard to lower the cost of living for families and agreed rates should be kept down. But  Mr Walsh said it was…

Condolences Hon John Hamilton Simson

10 June 2015 Mr WALSH (Murray Plains) – I rise also to speak on the condolence motion for John Hamilton Simpson. I congratulate the current member for Niddrie for doing such a great job in his contribution on a previous member for Niddrie. We always learn more about members who we do not know personally when we…

Grievances – Government Performance

10 June 2015 Mr WALSH (Murray Plains) – I rise to join the grievance debate. I grieve for all Victorians but I particularly grieve for country Victorians. I grieve because we have a dysfunctional government that is only interested in infighting in factional deals in rewarding factional mates and in being given its marching orders by its…

Condolences Hon. Joan Elizabeth Kirner AC

9 June 2015 Mr WALSH (Murray Plains) – I also join the condolence motion for Joan Kirner. A lot has been said about her career and a lot more will be said before this condolence motion has concluded but the thing I find intriguing in Joan’s biography is that her occupation is listed as ‘parent activist’. I…

Labor puts Murray Basin Rail on the back-burner

5 June 2015 As weeks turn into months without any sign of a business case it is becoming clear that the Andrews Labor Government is in no hurry to complete the vital Murray Basin Rail Project. Leader of The Nationals and Shadow Minister for Agriculture Peter Walsh said farmers and rural communities remained in the…

Melbourne Labor Gov Neglect of CFA Volunteers

4 June 2015   State Member for Murray Plains and Leader of The Nationals Peter Walsh has expressed his strong support to volunteer fire fighters to ensure they remain on the board of the Country Fire Authority (CFA). This follows the United Firefighter’s Union (UFU) submission to a parliamentary inquiry recommending the removal of volunteer…

Big Increase in FSL

 3 June 2015 Home owners businesses and farmers will face large increases in their property based Fire Services Levy (FSL) as a direct result of the Labor State Budget. Member for Murray Plains and Leader of The Nationals Peter Walsh said the Andrews Melbourne Labor Government outlined a huge 7.2 per cent increase in FSL…

Nominations Open for Aboriginal Honour Roll

3 June 2015 Member for Murray Plains and Leader of The Nationals Peter Walsh has called for nominations for the 2015 Victorian Aboriginal Honour Roll. “The Honour Roll recognizes Aboriginal people who have made a real and lasting contribution to their communities and to Victoria “  Mr Walsh said The Echuca aboriginal community has strength…

No money no targets no vision for agriculture

19 May 2015 The Andrews Labor Government has again shown its lack of vision and lack of understanding when it comes to Victorian agriculture. Agriculture Minister Jaala Pulford faced the Public Accounts and Estimates Committee (PAEC) yesterday afternoon. During the hearing it emerged that the government: Has cut the agriculture output budget by 11.9 per…

Andrews must commit to full Murray Basin Rail Project

The Murray Basin Rail Project offers a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to repair and standardise freight rail lines across northern and western Victoria which Daniel Andrews must not waste. Following the sale of Rural Finance Corporation for approximately $400 million the Coalition set aside $220 million of those funds for the Murray Basin Rail Project in the…