LETTER TO THE EDITOR – Upcoming State Budget

Dear Editor, In the upcoming State Budget, the Andrews Labor Government must reverse a decade of neglect and invest in regional communities. We only received 13 percent of new infrastructure in last year’s state budget, despite accounting for 25 percent of Victoria’s population. Since then, the Albanese Labor Government has cut billions of dollars out…


Dear Editor, Even with the state’s finances on life support, regional communities rightly expect the Andrews Labor Government to prioritise investment into our healthcare services. Healthcare is a right, not a privilege. It’s never too much to demand adequate services and infrastructure in our communities, and the regions have been neglected for far too long.…

LETTER TO THE EDITOR – Re Emergency Services.

Dear Editor, The upcoming State Budget will be riddled with red ink, but targeted investments must still be made in critical areas like regional Victoria’s emergency services. After bending to the unions and gutting the CFA, the least Daniel Andrews can do is fund safe, modern facilities to support local emergency personnel. In the state’s…

Letter to the Editor – Education

Dear Editor, Young people in regional Victoria have been overlooked by the Andrews Labor Government for far too long and, in May’s State Budget, The Nationals are calling for a fair investment in our community’s education and early childhood programs. Last budget, only 13 percent of new infrastructure spending was specifically invested in regional towns…

Labor delays truth-telling process

The Andrews Labor Government has delayed a crucial step in Victoria’s path to Treaty by failing to provide documents to the Yoorrook Justice Commission. This week the Commission condemned the State Government for delaying future hearings and jeopardising the release of reports on the Commission’s findings. Shadow Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Peter Walsh, said the…


Dear Editor, May’s state budget will set out the government’s priorities for the coming four-year term, with Victorians being warned to brace for significant cuts in the face of state debt now rocketing to over $110 Billion – that’s a debt of about $15,000 per adult. As interest rates increase, this impacts the state budget…