Victorian Landcare Program – Have Your Say

1 September 2015 Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains said it is in the interests of the Victorian Landcare community to make submissions to the review of the Victorian Landcare Program which includes an evaluation of the Victorian Landcare Facilitator Initiative. Mr Walsh said without strong support for the Victorian Landcare Facilitator…

New Police Station for Echuca

28 August 2015 Construction of Echuca’s long awaited police station is scheduled to commence in the coming weeks according to Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh. Mr Walsh visited the site of the new station today with his parliamentary colleague Hon Edward O’Donohue Shadow Minister for Police Corrections and Community Safety. “The two adjoining properties…


20 August 2015 Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority constraint management strategy Mr WALSH (Murray Plains) – My adjournment matter is directed to the Minister for Environment Climate Change and Water. It concerns the constraint management strategy that the Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority (CMA) is preparing for the upper Goulburn River as part of the Murray-Darling Basin…

Nominate Your Local Sporting Hero

Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh has encouraged the local community to nominate someone they know for the 2015 Community Sport and Recreation Awards. Mr Walsh said all local communities can nominate their local sporting volunteers coaches officials and clubs for the awards. “The awards have a long-standing reputation for…

Local Brigades to Receive Project Funding

18 August 2015 Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh has congratulated local fire brigades on their successful applications for this year’s Volunteer Emergency Services Equipment Program. “Our country communities have enormous respect for the amazing efforts of our CFA volunteers. “They play a critically important role in protecting our rural…

Men’s Shed Funding Up For Grabs

18 August 2015 Grants of up to $8 000 are now available to help communities modify equip and improve Men’s Sheds local MP Peter Walsh announced today. Mr Walsh encouraged community groups with existing Men’s Sheds across the Murray Plains electorate to apply for the latest round of grants available from the Australian Men’s Sheds…

VicHealth Grants Open for Sport & Rec Clubs

18 August 2015 Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh is encouraging sports and active recreation clubs to apply for VicHealth grants to help purchase core equipment and injury prevention items. Mr Walsh said the Active Club Grants aimed to make it easier for clubs to fund items or equipment which…

Equal Education is a Right not a Privilege

14 August 2015 The students and teachers at Echuca Specialist School need and deserve a permanent home with access to capital funding and facilities to take them into the future. Echuca Specialist School provides education for children aged 5 to 18 years with moderate to severe intellectual and associated disabilities.    Member for Murray Plains Peter…