Council rates must be part of drought relief

Wednesday 24 October 2018   Farmers in East Gippsland and northern Victoria have been calling out for further drought assistance including on council rates relief. The drought package announced today will take some of the pressure off farmers and their families but we urge the Victorian Government to go one step further. Farmers in East…

Victorian Patient Transport Assistance Scheme

Monday 22nd October 2018 A Liberal Nationals Government will ease the cost of accessing specialist healthcare for tens of thousands of people living in country Victoria with significant increases in the reimbursement rates for the Victorian Patient Transport Assistance Scheme (VPTAS). Victorians who have to travel more than 100kms one way or 500kms a week…

Record funding for grassroots sports

Monday 22nd October 2018 An elected Liberal Nationals Government will help community sports clubs across the Murray Plains electorate to thrive investing in better facilities and supporting the growth in women’s and junior sport. Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh said a Liberal Nationals Government will provide support clubs and…

Free School Books for Students program

Families with high school students in the Murray Plains electorate will no longer have to pay for school textbooks if The Nationals are elected in November. The Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh said the commitment would support families struggling with skyrocketing bills and could save families with two students…

Local History Grants

Wednesday 17th October 2018 Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh has encouraged community groups across the Murray Plains electorate to apply for a share in $350 000 in funding for projects that preserve and share stories from our past. Mr Walsh said this latest round of grants of up to…

The Latrobe Valley misses out under Labor again

Tuesday 16 October 2018   Today Daniel Andrews and Jacinta Allan have announced faster rail for Ballarat and Geelong. But the Latrobe Valley misses out entirely under Labor. No dedicated Gippsland line out of Melbourne’s south-eastern suburbs. No high speed rail Traralgon-Melbourne. No new trains for country rail lines. And to add insult to injury not…

Letter to the Editor (High-speed regional rail)

Monday 15 October 2018   Dear Editor Better regional rail will bring our country communities closer together and closer to more jobs as well as specialist medical services TAFEs and universities. Victoria’s rail network is a critical link for country Victorians but the current network is tired unreliable and slow. It’s one of the biggest…

Liberal Nationals will fund Swan Hill hospital upgrade

Monday 8 October 2018 Swan Hill’s District Hospital will get the vital $44 million upgrade it needs under a Liberal Nationals government. The Nationals Leader and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh and Opposition Leader Matthew Guy met with the hospital’s campaign committee this morning to confirm the commitment. “It’s Swan Hill’s turn now.  Our…