Raw Deal for Echuca Specialist School in Labor’s Budget

Tuesday 1 May 2018 The Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh has described today’s State Budget as a bitter disappointment for the staff students and families of Echuca Specialist School. Mr Walsh said the Andrews Labor Government had promised big but delivered little for regional education completely overlooking the desperately-needed…

Mildura’s transformational rail revival will continue

Tuesday 24 April 2018   Mildura’s transformational rail revival will continue under an elected Liberal Nationals Government. The Nationals’ Leader Peter Walsh and Member for Mildura Peter Crisp committed $80 million to the next stage of rail works in Mildura today outlining plans for level crossings upgrades and extending passing loops on the line from…

Twin Rivers To Get A New School Crossing

Monday 23rd April 2018 Twin Rivers Primary School Echuca is set to get a new formal school crossing Leader of the Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh said today. Mr Walsh said he had been working with the community to secure a safe crossing since the new school opened in February this year.…

Volunteer Awards Open

23rd April 2018 Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh is encouraging his constituents in the Murray Plains Electorate to nominate a valued volunteer in the Victorian Champions Awards. “The awards recognise and reward the tireless efforts of the many volunteers who keep our communities strong” said Mr Walsh. “We depend…

Members Statement – Echuca Magistrates’ Court

Members Statement – Echuca Magistrates’ Court 29 March 2018 Mr WALSH (Murray Plains) (10:11:09) – I take this opportunity today to again raise the issue of privacy and safety at the Echuca Magistrates Court and the absolute importance of funding for this upgraded project being allocated in this year’s state budget. On 29 April 2016 the Attorney-General and…