Adjournment : Cross Border Policing

Adjournment : Cross Border Policing 1 May 2019 : Mr Walsh My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Police and Emergency Services and the action I seek from the minister for police is that she urgently bring together the relevant ministers and senior police to ensure that cross-border policing issues are resolved into the…

Constituency Question : Random House

1 May 2019:   Mr Walsh My constituency question is to the Minister for Disability Ageing and Carers and it is on behalf of the Rochester community and follows on from a number of letters over the last 18 months requesting that the Andrews government do something about the deteriorating condition of Random House in Rochester.…

Liberal Nationals put up motion to fix farm trespass laws

Wednesday 1 May 2019   Victorian Parliament will today debate the Liberal Nationals’ motion to fix farm trespass laws. Our farmers are the backbone of the Victorian economy but their critical work producing our state’s food and fibre is being relentlessly attacked by law-breaking activists who don’t care about the damage they’re inflicting on ethical…

Sea Lake Mallee Rally must continue

Wednesday 1 May 2019   Premier Daniel Andrews is under pressure to resolve problems community groups are facing to comply with cultural heritage assessments following the cancellation of an iconic regional event. The Sea Lake Off Road Club was forced to cancel the 2019 Mallee Rally after they were told they would not be granted…

Liberal Nationals establish inquiry to fix farm trespass laws

Wednesday 1 May 2019   A parliamentary inquiry to fix farm trespass laws and better protect Victorian farmers will be established after a strong community-driven campaign supported by the Liberal Nationals. The Liberal Nationals proposed the inquiry after calls from farmers and communities to strengthen laws and better protect farmers against extreme activists illegally entering…

Condolences – Sri Lanka Attacks

Condolences – Sri Lanka Attacks 30 April 2019 :   Mr Walsh   I rise to support the condolence motion of the Premier and grieve with the Sri Lankan community particularly with those from the Sri Lankan community who are in the gallery today. We acknowledge them for coming along and supporting their community. Easter Sunday is supposed…

Questions Without Notice – Sea Lake Rally

Questions Without Notice – Sea Lake Rally 30 April 2019 Mr Walsh :  My question is to the Premier. The Sea Lake Mallee Rally had been operating successfully for 47 years. The rally provides significant economic benefits to the town raising funds for community organisations and bringing hundreds of visitors and competitors to the region. This…

Labor’s sham plantation plan

Wednesday 24 April 2019   Daniel Andrews’ plantation timber ‘˜plan’ is a sham. Not a single tree has been planted since the Andrews Government promised in May 2017 to “expand Victoria’s plantation estate and increase the proportion of plantation-grown timber”. Today after two years of delays we find out Labor’s plan for “new” plantation forest…