Part-time squad not enough to tackle rural crime

Monday 23 September 2019   Victorian farmers have long called for a dedicated rural crime squad, but today’s announcement doesn’t deliver what farmers requested. Changing job titles is not the same as adding new frontline officers and it won’t help tackle worsening rural crime rates. The Andrews Labor Government is trying to dress today’s announcement…

Bendigo residents calling for details of GovHub deal

Bendigo residents are calling for more transparency on plans to sell council-owned land for the Bendigo GovHub with hundreds of signatures tabled in Victorian Parliament. Leader of The Nationals and Shadow Minister for Regional Victoria and Decentralisation Peter Walsh tabled a petition last week with 328 signatures calling for more detail on the deal with…

Law-breaking activists to cop new sanctions

Tough new laws to better protect farmers and farm businesses against people inciting farm trespass have passed the Federal Parliament. The new laws, passed last week, will mean anyone sharing farmers’ private details online to incite farm trespass will risk jail time and follows the publishing of thousands of farmers’ home addresses on the Aussie…

Grievance Debate – Drought

Mr WALSH (Murray Plains) (14:01:53): I rise today to grieve for the drought-affected farmers of Victoria. We have a Premier that made a promise that he would actually govern for all Victorians, and as we have seen in recent times that has not been the case. That promise is about as hollow as the Premier’s…