Motion – Member for Gembrook

  Thursday 25th May 2017 Mr WALSH (Murray Plains) – I rise to make a contribution to the debate on this motion and point out that the minister who has actually moved this censure motion has absolutely no credibility when it comes to this. He is part of the protection racket for the member for Tarneit and…

Labor leading fox control off track

Wednesday 24 May 2017   Jaala Pulford’s lack of interest in the wild dog control program looks to have extended to the resoundingly successful Fox Bounty. “Under Labor a simple yet resoundingly successful fox bounty program has gone to the dogs “ Shadow Agriculture Minister Peter Walsh said. The fox bounty was introduced by the…

Labor’s desal disaster rips off customers

Tuesday 16 May 2017   Daniel Andrews is ripping off water customers making them pay for water we don’t need and letting Aquasure out of its contracted obligations. Melbourne water customers already pay around $600 million every year to Aquasure in service payments. The Andrews Government claim their so-called minimum 15GL order won’t cost customers…

Labor Greens fail to support blackwater inquiry

Thursday 11 May 2017   The Andrews Labor Government and Greens MPs have voted against an inquiry that would have examined blackwater events and better management of water in northern Victoria. Significant blackwater events in the Southern Murray Darling Basin in recent years have had serious consequences for our agricultural industries that rely on the…

Daniel Andrews Continues Attack On CFA

Thursday 11May 2017 Daniel Andrews has ramped up his attack on Country Fire Authority volunteers with plans to split Victoria’s biggest volunteer organisation. The proposal attempts to split the CFA into a country volunteer-only body which would see thousands less volunteers protecting Victoria. Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh said…