JobKeeper payments must be exempt from payroll tax

Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh is calling for the Federal Government’s $1500-a-fortnight JobKeeper payments to be exempt from Victoria’s payroll tax. The unprecedented package from the Federal Government is a boost for the small businesses and workers most hard hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. But Mr Walsh said without changes to existing Victorian law,…

Victoria exposed to disease risk unless ag scientist job cuts are reversed

The Andrews Government must reverse its unexpected decision to close the Victorian Pig Services Centre (VPSC) – the industry’s frontline defence against devastating disease outbreaks. The Victorian Government blindsided our pork producers with the sudden closure of the Bendigo Centre on March 27 – without consultation with producers, the Victorian Farmers Federation or the national…

Priority testing for food supply chain businesses

Food supply chain businesses will be relieved the State Government has finally come out to confirm our agriculture sector is an essential service. Farmers, food processors and businesses critical to making sure our supermarket shelves remain fully stocked have been desperate for clarification since Stage 1 restrictions to combat COVID-19 were announced more than a…

Locals urged to look out for each other

Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh is encouraging community members to look after their mental health and take the time to check in with loved ones and neighbours as work continues to combat the spread of COVID-19. Mr Walsh said there were measures we could all take to ensure our own wellbeing as our community…

Bushfire-affected farmers billed for fence subsidies

The Liberal Nationals are calling on the Andrews Government to explain why it’s billing bushfire-affected farmers for the GST paid on government subsidies that funded the replacement of fencing destroyed in fires in East Gippsland and north-east Victoria. Bushfire-affected farmers could access a subsidy of up to $75,000 from the Department of Environment, Land, Water…