Liberal Nationals fight Daniel Andrews’ timber ban

Daniel Andrews has been caught out lying to regional Victorians about his Labor Government’s short-sighted decision to shut down Victoria’s native timber industry. Today in State Parliament, the Premier was asked how much high-quality appearance-grade plantation timber will be ready to harvest when Labor’s native timber ban starts in 2030. In refusing to answer, Daniel…

Labor’s road safety priorities are all wrong

Daniel Andrews has been caught out spending more money defending his botched wire rope barrier program than on the Government’s campaigns related to drug driving, driver fatigue and vehicle safety combined. Figures buried deep within the TAC 2018-19 Annual Report (p. 92-93) highlight that the government spent $2.45 million defending its flawed roll out of…

Daniel Andrews sacks 50 Ag Vic scientists

Daniel Andrews’ betrayal of regional Victoria continues today with revelations of shock job cuts at Agriculture Victoria. Just 24 hours after revealing his disastrous plan to shut down Victoria’s native timber industry, the arrogant Premier for Melbourne has swung the axe again. This time it’s 50 talented front-line researchers at sites across Victoria and the…

More uncertainty for local Primary Care Partnerships

Health partnerships working to create healthier communities across Murray Plains face more uncertainty after the Andrews Government again refused to provide long-term funding. Primary Care Partnerships (PCPs) actively contribute to the health and wellbeing of individuals, families and their communities in regional Victoria, but have only been funded to June 2020 while a review is…

Labor votes against stronger penalties for farm trespass

Wednesday 16 October 2019   The Andrews Labor Government has teamed up with the Greens and Animal Justice Party to vote against stronger penalties for people trespassing on Victorian farms. Parliament’s Legislative Council today voted on the Crimes Amendment (Trespass) Bill 2019, which set out a new offence of ‘aggravated’ trespass with increased penalties and…

Statement on Rural Assistance Commissioner

Wednesday 16 October 2019   Regional communities will expect the new Commissioner to be frank and fearless with his advice to the Andrews Government. Labor may have put him on the payroll but at the end of the day it’s taxpayers’ dollars and Mr Tuohey’s job is to stand up for our regional communities. Labor’s…