Lib-Nats Fuel Price Inquiry for Regional Victoria

Thursday 15 September 2016 Lib-Nats fuel price inquiry for regional Victoria Liberal and Nationals MPs have successfully moved for Victoria’s Parliament to conduct an inquiry into regional fuel prices today. Fuel comes at a high price for regional Victorians – many hours are spent each week travelling to work into town for services and taking…

The Dairy Industry

14th September 2016 Member’s Statement – Dairy industry Mr WALSH (Murray Plains) – The Andrews government is blatantly discriminating against dairy farming families in my electorate of Murray Plains who choose to send their children to their nearest denominational school of choice in this case Moama Anglican Grammar School. These families are eligible for the Victorian school…

Lower Moira Boat Ramp Petition Launched

Wednesday 14th September 2016 The Leader of the Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh has today launched a petition calling on Parks Victoria to stop denying boating access to Deep Creek and the Murray River at Lower Moira. The petition refers to the boat ramp located on Murray River Reserve off Woodbine Drive…

Spirt of ANZAC Prize

Wednesday 14th September 2016 Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh has encouraged Year 9 and 10 students to apply for the 2016-17 Premier’s Spirit of ANZAC Prize. The Premier’s Spirit of ANZAC Prize will provide 22 students with the opportunity to participate in an overseas study tour of Lemnos Gallipoli…

Dairy Assistance Package Discriminates – Walsh

Wednesday 14th September 2016 The Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh has highlighted in State Parliament today a blatant discrimination by the Andrews Labor Government against very stressed dairy farming families. Mr Walsh said the impact of the milk pricing crash is profound and many dairy farming families are really…

Water Minister’s $14.3m desal discrepancy

Monday 12 September 2016  Speaking on 3AW today Water Minister Lisa Neville stated the cost of the 50GL desalination water order was $12.7 million which she said equates to $12 extra on Melbourne Water bills. The Government has previously said the desal water order this year would cost $27 million. Not only has the Minister…

CFA Volunteers Impacted by Destructive and Divisive EBA

Tuesday 6 September 2016 CFA volunteers impacted by “˜destructive and divisive’ EBA Evidence provided to a parliamentary fire season inquiry has contradicted the Andrews Labor Government’s claims country volunteers would not be impacted by the proposed CFA EBA. Former CFA CEO Lucinda Nolan appeared before a parliamentary inquiry into fire season preparedness today. Ms Nolan…