Youngcare at Home Grants

Friday 1st February 2019   Youngcare At Home Care Grants Available   Applications for the Youngcare At Home Care Grants in Victoria are now open. Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh is encouraging families and service providers who are caring at home for a young person with high care needs…

CFA volunteers must be guaranteed equal rights

Friday 21 December 2018   Volunteer and career firefighters who have developed cancer or other illnesses as a result of keeping our communities safe deserve equal compensation Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh has said. In State Parliament this week Premier Daniel Andrews refused to guarantee that volunteers and career firefighters would be treated equally…

Recreational fishing grants are now open

Friday 7 December 2018 Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh has encouraged fishing enthusiasts across the electorate to apply for the 2018-19 Recreational Fishing Grants Program. “The Recreational Fishing Grants program provides a fantastic opportunity for local fishers to apply for both small and large grants to improve recreational fishing…

Statement from the Nationals’ leadership team

Monday 3 December 2018 The Nationals’ Party Room met today and elected Peter Walsh as Leader and Steph Ryan as Deputy Leader of the Victorian Parliamentary Party. Both were elected by the Party Room uncontested for their respective positions. Mr Walsh said The Nationals will continue to work with our communities to give them a…