Members Statement – Echuca Magistrates’ Court

Members Statement – Echuca Magistrates’ Court 29 March 2018 Mr WALSH (Murray Plains) (10:11:09) – I take this opportunity today to again raise the issue of privacy and safety at the Echuca Magistrates Court and the absolute importance of funding for this upgraded project being allocated in this year’s state budget. On 29 April 2016 the Attorney-General and…

Rorting Labor mate to keep plum job at PrimeSafe

Thursday 29 March 2018   Background Today Agriculture Minister Jaala Pulford refused to condemn former Labor Member for Northern Victoria Candy Broad for rorting Victorian taxpayers’ money. The Ombudsman’s investigation into Labor’s “˜Red Shirts’ rorts named Ms Broad now chair of PrimeSafe among 21 Labor MPs who employed electorate officers at taxpayers’ expense in the…

Address by Aboriginal Members

Address by Aboriginal Members Wednesday 28th March 2018 Mr WALSH (Murray Plains) (By leave) (12:54:52) – I too acknowledge the traditional owners of this land the Kulin nations and acknowledge all other elders who may be present with us today. Thank you for the opportunity to make some brief comments in relation to today’s proceedings. First of…

Grievances – Electorate Office Budgets

Grievances – Electorate Office Budgets Wednesday 28th March 2018 Mr WALSH (Murray Plains) (14:32:03) – I rise to make a contribution to the grievance debate. Before starting my main contribution I point out to the member for Macedon that according to the Ombudsman’s report as I read it she was the beneficiary of $16 000 from the former…

Labor threatens 100 jobs in regional Victoria

Monday 26 March 2018   One hundred jobs in regional Victoria could be axed if the Andrews Labor Government cuts the successful kangaroo pet food trial. The trial’s current extension ends later this week. Premier Daniel Andrews and his Agriculture Minister Jaala Pulford hold the future of Victoria’s pet food processors and at least 100…