Local Brigades to Receive Project Funding

18 August 2015 Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh has congratulated local fire brigades on their successful applications for this year’s Volunteer Emergency Services Equipment Program. “Our country communities have enormous respect for the amazing efforts of our CFA volunteers. “They play a critically important role in protecting our rural…

Men’s Shed Funding Up For Grabs

18 August 2015 Grants of up to $8 000 are now available to help communities modify equip and improve Men’s Sheds local MP Peter Walsh announced today. Mr Walsh encouraged community groups with existing Men’s Sheds across the Murray Plains electorate to apply for the latest round of grants available from the Australian Men’s Sheds…

VicHealth Grants Open for Sport & Rec Clubs

18 August 2015 Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh is encouraging sports and active recreation clubs to apply for VicHealth grants to help purchase core equipment and injury prevention items. Mr Walsh said the Active Club Grants aimed to make it easier for clubs to fund items or equipment which…

Equal Education is a Right not a Privilege

14 August 2015 The students and teachers at Echuca Specialist School need and deserve a permanent home with access to capital funding and facilities to take them into the future. Echuca Specialist School provides education for children aged 5 to 18 years with moderate to severe intellectual and associated disabilities.    Member for Murray Plains Peter…

CFA Volunteers Deserve to Have their Voices Heard

14 August 2015 The short timeframe for submissions to the Fire Services Review has fueled concerns the Melbourne-based union will gain control of country fire fighting operations. Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh said there were even fears that the Andrews Labor Government would use the review to merge the…

Public Transport Review – Make Your Voice Heard

10 August 2015 The Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh is encouraging  all local public transport travellers to have their say on the government’s review of public transport in regional Victoria. “Improved rail services are a key priority for regional Victorians “ Mr Walsh said. Public Transport Victoria (PTV) is…

Public Transport Review – Echuca Melbourne Line

10 August 2015 The Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh is encouraging  all local public transport travellers to have their say on the government’s review of public transport in regional Victoria. “Improved rail services are a key priority for regional Victorians “ Mr Walsh said. Public Transport Victoria (PTV) is…

Ice Freezes Over Rural Victoria

7 August 2015 Leader of the Nationals and Member for Murray Plains used the Adjournment Debate in State Parliament this week to highlight the inequities young and vulnerable rural people suffer in comparision to their city peers. “The Melbourne Labor Government has failed dismally to resource regional and rural communities in the fight against ice…

Methamphetamine User Rehabilitation Services

6 August 2015 Adjournment Mr WALSH (Murray Plains) – My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Mental Health and it relates to an inquiry of the former Parliament’s Law Reform Drugs and Crime Prevention Committee into the supply and use of methamphetamines particularly ice in Victoria. The action I seek is that the minister put in…