Labor must extend funds for eID

Friday 24 March 2017   Background The Andrews Government must offer further financial assistance to Victorian producers to implement Labor’s rushed and poorly-funded mandatory electronic identification (eID) scheme. Agriculture Minister Jaala Pulford announced late last year that Labor would go-it-alone on mandatory eID offering just one month’s consultation and subsidies for the first year only.…

London Attack

Thursday 23rd March 2017 Mr WALSH (Murray Plains) (By leave) – I rise to join the Premier and the Leader of the Opposition on behalf of The Nationals to express my condolences to those who have lost their lives and those who have been critically injured in the attack at Westminster in England. As was said on…

Business of the House – Adjournment

Thursday 23rd March 2017 Mr WALSH (Murray Plains) – I rise to support the manager of opposition business in opposing the adjournment of the house. In starting I make an observation about the member for Essendon’s contribution on how busy allegedly those on that side of the house are in their electorates. We are elected to the…

Natural Gas Resources

Wednesday 22nd March 2017 Mr WALSH (Murray Plains) – I rise to make a contribution on behalf of the Liberal and National parties on the motion before the house from the Minister for Industry and Employment about gas. I have listened with interest to the member for Eltham make her contribution. She talked about what the people…

Bills Introduced to Victorian Parliament March 21-23 2017

Bills introduced to Victorian Parliament March 21-23 2017 This week five Bills were introduced to the Victorian Parliament which may be of interest to Murray Plains residents. The Bills are as follows: Land Legislation Amendment Bill 2017 Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) Amendment (Latrobe Valley Mine Rehabilitation Commissioner) Bill 2017 Worksafe Legislation Amendment Bill 2017 Crimes…

Labor must immediately review exclusion zones

Monday 20 March 2017   The Andrews Labor Government must immediately review the 200 metre exclusion zones which are impacting available timber for harvest in Victoria’s working forests. These zones were adopted on recommendation from the Leadbeater’s Possum Advisory Group with the intention to review once 200 colonies were identified. To date 569 colonies have…


Peter Walsh Hornets Show Some Sting

Monday 20th March 2017   Future Sportstars of the Year displayed their skills at Kyabram Sports and Entertainment Centre last week for the first round of Basketball Kyabram’s junior final series. The teams have all received generous sponsorship from the business community and the local MP also chipped in to get the competition up and…

Quambatook School

Closure of Quambatook School

Monday 20th March 2017 Comment from Peter Walsh MP Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh visited Quambatook recently in response to the closure of the Quambatook Group School. “I had received correspondence from passionate local advocate Chelle Espagne and it was good to call in personally and talk with her…