Tuesday 28th March 2017
Under Daniel Andrews the Hazelwood Power Station is shutting down and electricity bills are powering up according to Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh.
Mr Walsh said that the Andrews Labor Government has tripled the tax on coal and introduced a state-based Renewable Energy Target of 40% by 2025 forcing the closing of Hazelwood.
“Victorians now face 72 days of power shortfall in the next two years according to the Australian Energy Market Operator putting the State’s power security in jeopardy and more pressure on prices “ Mr Walsh said.
“If you look at what is going on in my own electorate of Murray Plains which relies heavily on agriculture and food processing the ramifications of Daniel Andrews reckless ideology are hitting hard.
“These large scale enterprises need to be cost efficient in all aspects of their business and steep power increases of up to 25% are clearly not sustainable.” Mr Walsh said.
Mr Walsh said the Liberal-Nationals have called for the Andrews Government to intervene and fight for a staged closure of Hazelwood Power Station over years as it is the most responsible outcome for Victoria.
“This would allow time for the workforce to transition and Victoria’s energy network to adjust while maintaining reliability security and affordability.
“Victoria needs a Premier to fight for the best interests of Victorians not one who is more concerned about meeting costly green targets than he is with people’s livelihoods and well-being “ Mr Walsh said.
The Liberal-Nationals have announced that in government they will scrap the Victorian Renewable Energy Target.