Monday 14th August 2017
A scathing report on country Victoria’s V/Line network has found the Andrews Labor Government is letting down regional commuters with poor quality unreliable and overcrowded services Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh has said.
The Victorian Auditor-General’s V/Line Passenger Services report found”V/Line has failed to meet key service criteria for the operational performance of its passenger services “¦ particularly during the period July 2015 to March 2017”.
The report also found serious service disruptions in early 2016 cost Victorian taxpayers”up to $2 million a week in fares” and”up to $300 000 per day” in replacement coach services.
Mr Walsh said the V/Line network was floundering under the Andrews Labor Government and country commuters were paying the price.
“While Daniel Andrews splashes cash on rail projects in metropolitan Melbourne regional Victorians are being left out” Mr Walsh said.
“This report from the Victorian Auditor-General makes it clear the V/Line network is collapsing under Jacinta Allan’s watch.”
VAGO also reports issues with V/Lines reporting of services that do not accurately reflect what user are receiving.
“Delays and replacement buses have become the norm for country commuters as they’re neglected by the Premier for Melbourne” Mr Walsh said.
“Unlike Labor the Liberal-Nationals have a plan to make sure our country communities share in Victoria’s population growth.
“We need to ensure regional Victoria has the jobs infrastructure and opportunities it needs so we can create a state of cities not a city state.”