Question Without Notice – Timber Industry – Mr Dalidakis

Question Without Notice – Timber Industry – Mr Dalidakis 19 June 2019 : Mr Walsh My question is to the Premier. The former minister for innovation Philip Dalidakis was a champion of Victoria’s forest industries having previously worked for the Victorian Association of Forest Industries. Was Mr Dalidakis supportive of the Andrews government’s policy to…


Questions Without Notice – Timber Industry

19 June 2019 : Mr Walsh Speaker Philip Dalidakis publicly slighted the Premier by going to the Governor before informing him of his resignation. How can Victorians have confidence in the Premier’s support for the 22 000 jobs in the forest industry when obviously Mr Dalidakis has clearly lost faith in the Premier’s leadership?


Labor’s legacy on the botched, stalled Murray Basin Rail Project

Out-of-money and indefinitely on hold: this is the Andrews Labor Government’s legacy for the stalled Murray Basin Rail Project. Under questioning in Parliament today, Transport Infrastructure Minister Jacinta Allan again arrogantly denied responsibility for botching the major upgrade works instead of committing to finish the project in full. Leader of The Nationals and Shadow Minister…


Constituency Question – Births Deaths & Marriages

18 June 2019   Mr Walsh : My constituency question is to the Attorney-General. When can the families from my electorate who have raised concerns with the Attorney-General about the delays in receiving birth and marriage certificates expect a resolution to their issue? These people have booked holidays and paid for holidays and they need these…


Members Statement – Ella Ebery

18 June 2019   Mr Walsh : I want to acknowledge the life of Ella Ebery who passed away recently aged 103. Ella was born at Slaty Creek just north of St Arnaud. She married Jack Ebery a shearer and they spent their early years travelling with their shearing team throughout outback New South Wales. At…


Labor not putting locals first

Background Rural and regional communities will play second fiddle to big ticket projects under an Andrews Government decision to focus regional funds “towards larger projects”. This year’s State Budget saw the dedicated Regional Growth Fund axed and Regional Development Victoria’s (RDV) budget slashed by $130 million. At the same time, the Andrews Government will halve…


Road maintenance funds diluted to fix wire rope barriers

Friday 14 June 2019 Money that should be used to fix potholes in country roads crumbling road shoulders and cut roadside grass is being diverted to repair damaged wire rope barriers it has been revealed. Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh said that his constituents living in the Murray Plains…


No rates relief for farmers, but doctors and lawyers get drought aid under Daniel Andrews

The Andrews Government’s decision to refuse council rate relief for struggling farmers while offering doctors, lawyers and public servants drought aid is an insult to farming families. In a weak performance at Parliament’s Public Accounts and Estimates Committee (PAEC), Minister for Agriculture Jaclyn Symes couldn’t even say how much of Labor’s drought assistance was actually…
