Labor to be held to account on farmers’ market backflip

Farmers’ markets will finally get an explanation on the sudden backflip that threatened to shut them down last month. Leader of The Nationals Peter Walsh pressed the Premier for an explanation in State Parliament today on the evidence-based health advice that had led to the decision. The Premier couldn’t explain the August 20 backflip, instead…


Basin Authority split a win for Victorian irrigators

The Federal Government has announced it will split the Murray Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) after a long campaign by irrigators and the Victorian Liberal Nationals. A new statutory compliance role will split the MDBA’s conflicting responsibilities by creating an Inspector-General of Water Compliance. Leader of The Nationals Peter Walsh said the split would help resolve…


Andrews’ roadmap too late for too many

Following weeks of pressure by the Liberal Nationals to provide Victorians with a road-map, Daniel Andrews has finally agreed to release a guide, but only one week before the harshest lock-downs in the country are due to end. Victorian businesses have continued to express their frustrations in the lack of government direction with many unable…


Dan’s dodgy Belt and Road selling out Victorian producers

Victorian wine producers, dairy farmers, barley growers and industry have been hung out to dry by the Andrews Labor Government. In State Parliament today, Agriculture Minister Jaclyn Symes was asked to explain how Labor is standing up for Victorian producers against China’s punitive 80 per cent tariff on Australian barley and further threats to target…


Walsh wants action on Swan Hill bridge

The Victorian Nationals leader and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh has written to Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack calling for his intervention in getting “the show on the road and a start date” for the new Swan Hill bridge. Mr Walsh said everyone knows the existing bridge is “way past its due-by date” but…


Labor pressed for answers on campaign against recreational hunters

The Andrews Labor Government has been pressed to explain a malicious campaign to discredit Victoria’s recreational hunters. In State Parliament today, Member for Eastern Victoria Melina Bath called on Labor’s Police Minister to apologise for an unsolicited threat to suspend or cancel firearms licences if Chief Health Officer (CHO) directions are violated, despite offering no…


Victorian shooters targeted by Labor Government’s ‘overreach’

Background Responsible, legitimate recreational shooters are again being targeted by the Andrews Labor Government. An email to licenced shooters on Friday has been labelled “outrageous overreach” by Field and Game Australia for an unsolicited threat to take away firearms licences if Chief Health Officer (CHO) directions are violated. It follows an insulting decision from Labor’s…


Labor’s unprecedented power grab raising red flags

A move by the Andrews Labor Government to extend its power to enforce strict lockdowns on Victorian families and businesses for a further 12 months will not be supported by Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh. The State of Emergency powers allow the Government to impose and enforce restrictions, with no oversight or accountability. Mr…


State of Emergency legislation

The Liberal Nationals will oppose Labor’s proposed legislation to extend State of Emergency powers over Victorians for a further 12 months. Victorians deserve a plan out of lockdown. Labor only has a plan to keep us locked down. Victoria is only in the second wave of COVID-19 due to the inexcusable failures of the Andrews…


Workable solution needed for NSW border closure

Families and businesses on the Victoria-New South Wales border are crying out for a solution to strict border closures that are causing chaos and confusion and making it impossible to go about daily life. Leader of The Nationals Peter Walsh said constant changes to the NSW Government’s permit system aren’t workable for farmers, families and…


Labor’s bushfire recovery ‘plan’ long overdue

A bushfire recovery ‘plan’ announced by the Andrews Labor Government today seems to be nothing more than a poor attempt at window dressing. Rolling old money up in a new press release delivers nothing for families, businesses and communities in East Gippsland and north east Victoria hit by January’s catastrophic bushfires. It’s eight months since…
