Following weeks of pressure by the Liberal Nationals to provide Victorians with a road-map, Daniel Andrews has finally agreed to release a guide, but only one week before the harshest lock-downs in the country are due to end.
Victorian businesses have continued to express their frustrations in the lack of government direction with many unable to order stock or create work plans to reopen.
Victorians are desperate to re-connect with their families and friends.
The Liberal Nationals expect that any plan announced by the Andrews Labor Government this Sunday must address these areas as a priority:
- Schools to recommence for Term 4
- Allowing a faster easing of restrictions including for the hospitality industry, in areas or municipalities with low or no COVID-19 cases
- Lifting the 8pm curfew as soon as possible
- Harmonisation of restrictions for cross-border communities
- Easing restrictions on weddings, funerals and religious services while respecting the need for social distancing
- Allowing the resumption of non-contact personal services including (but not limited to) gardeners, personal trainers, accountants, and printers
- Resumption of junior and community sport.
The Liberal Nationals stand with the Victorian community as we all deal with consequences of the Andrews Labor Government’s failures.
Hundreds of thousands of Victorians have lost work and according to the latest Sensis Business Index, one in eight small to medium businesses are not expected to reopen.
Victoria is not in the position it is today due to bad luck, but due to the bad decisions made by the Andrews Labor Government in hotel quarantine and delays in contact tracing.
Comments attributable to the Leader of the Opposition, Michael O’Brien:
“Victorians are desperate for a plan but all we’ve had from Daniel Andrews and his Labor government is a plan to keep Victorians businesses closed and families locked inside their homes.
“Daniel Andrews’ failure to call in the ADF for hotel quarantine has led to this second lockdown and now he’s making Victorian business wait until the eleventh hour to a release a plan to get us out.
“Any plan for Victorians must address safely returning to school, community sport, re-opening business and events including weddings and funerals – without it, there is no plan.”
Comments attributable to the Leader of the Nationals, Peter Walsh:
“Daniel Andrews has only had one plan and that was to keep Victorian businesses locked up.
“Andrews only focuses on Melbourne and has crippled so many regional businesses who have been collateral damage due to bad decisions by his Labor government.
“The Andrews Labor Government has completely forgotten about too many Victorians including sole traders, our cross-border communities and our regions – without addressing these, there is no plan.”