Questions without Notice – Drought

Mr WALSH (Murray Plains) (12:16:18): Premier, we asked you in February, we asked you in March, we asked you in April and in August, and now I am asking you again: when will you provide assistance to pay shire rates and fixed-water charges to Victoria’s drought-stricken farmers? Members interjecting. The SPEAKER: Order! I will allow the…


Adjournment – Brownport Almonds

Mr Walsh (Murray Plains) (19:00:20): (1121) My adjournment matter tonight is for the Minister for Planning, and it is on behalf of Brownport Almonds Pty Ltd of Hattah, who have written to the Minister for Planning. It is to ask the Minister for Planning to call in Brownport Almonds’ planning application to build a new…


Walsh sounds out Labor on delayed Echuca bus review

Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh has pressured the Andrews Labor Government to come up with a timeline for a review of bus stops and routes in Echuca after a more than 12 month delay. Speaking in Parliament, Mr Walsh asked Public Transport Minister Melissa Horne to advise when the review would be done, after…


Farmers need Minister to act after visit

Monday 2 September 2019   Drought-affected farmers in the Millewa must get genuine action from the Andrews Labor Government after the Minister’s visit today. The Agriculture Minister’s visit was long overdue given famers in the Millewa are staring down the barrel of a second failed season. Like farmers in other drought-affected parts of Victoria, the…


Daniel Andrews M.I.A. in drought-affected Victoria

Daniel Andrews is failing our farmers. Parts of Victoria have been in severe drought for two seasons now but Daniel Andrews hasn’t visited any of the affected communities. Today in State Parliament, the Premier refused to visit the Millewa and meet with farmers or provide shire and water rates relief. Farmers in the Millewa feel…


Statement on closure of Nestle factory at Tongala

Devastating news for Tongala today with Nestlé announcing it will close its local factory over the next 18 months, costing 106 local jobs. It will be an extremely difficult time for workers and their families as they face the reality of the next 18 months. In a small, close-knit community like Tongala, the loss of…


Labor must park its plan to lock up more public land

Bush users have converged on State Parliament today against a plan to lock up more of Victoria’s public land. More than 77,000 hectares of public land will be locked up if the Andrews Labor Government adopts recommendations from the Victorian Environmental Assessment Council’s Central West Investigation final report. Leader of The Nationals and Member for…


Question without Notice – Millawa Drought

Mr Walsh(Murray Plains) (11:08:44): My question is to the Premier. Farmers in the Millewa region have received less than 10 per cent of their annual rainfall this year, the worst season since the 1944–45 drought. Will the Premier go to the Millewa and meet with farmers there within the next two weeks?