To coincide with Homelessness Week, a parliamentary committee is commencing an inquiry into homelessness in Victoria.
Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh said the inquiry will investigate the many social, economic and policy factors that impact on homelessness.
Mr Walsh said the inquiry will also seek to identify policies and practices from all levels of government that have a bearing on delivering services.
“The issue of homelessness is front of mind for the community at the moment thanks to the outstanding coverage last week from the Riverine Herald,” Mr Walsh said
“I encourage the community to have their say as part of the inquiry, particularly those service providers who are struggling to meet demand, or those people who are experiencing homelessness.
Mr Walsh said an important focus of the inquiry will be the opportunity for the committee to conduct face to face consultations with people who are living the experience of homelessness.
“It is important that the committee hears a wide range of views through public hearings and submissions, to gain an in-depth understanding of the issues and how best to address homelessness and its associated problems.”
“The Riverine Herald article made it patently clear that it is the homeless who know best what would help change their situation, or better still, prevent it from happening.”
Mr Walsh said the location of public hearings has not yet been announced but the committee’s website will be calling for online submissions in the coming weeks.
“To ensure adequate opportunity for people to participate, written contributions can be made until January 2020.”
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