VicHealth Grants Now Open

Tuesday 31st July 2018 Sporting clubs across the Murray Plains electorate can be supported to create new opportunities to get women girls and less active people into sport thanks to VicHealth grant funding now available. Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh said the latest round of VicHealth’s Active Club Grants…


Bills Introduced to Parliament July 24-26 2018

Friday 27th July 2018 To the editor This week the following bills were introduced to the Victorian Parliament which may be of interest to Murray Plains residents Children Youth and Families Amendment (Youth Offender Compliance) Bill 2018  Disability Service Safeguards Bill 2018 Justice Legislation Amendment (Unlawful Association and Criminal Appeals) Bill 2018 Owner Drivers and…


Constituency Question – Rochester Ambulance Service

Constituency Question – Rochester Ambulance Service 26th July 2018 Mr WALSH (Murray Plains) (11:52:31) – (14 708) My constituency question is to the Minister for Health and it is on behalf of the Rochester community. Twelve months ago Ambulance Victoria implemented a trial roster of two-officer crews at the Rochester ambulance station. The trial recently concluded and the…


Support for Emergency Services

Thursday 25th July 2018 Emergency service organisations across the Murray Plains electorate can apply now for funding through the Emergency Services Volunteer Sustainability Grants Program. “Grants of up to $50 000 are available to SES units and other organisations identified in the Emergency Management Manual Victoria” Mr Walsh said. “Volunteer emergency services play a crucial…


Electoral Legislation Amendment Bill 2018 Council’s Amendments

Electoral Legislation Amendment Bill 2018 Council’s Amendments 26 July 2018 Council’s amendments Mr WALSH (Murray Plains) (17:31:27) – I follow the Attorney-General who seems to have such great faith in the upper house. If I remember rightly the Attorney-General has just spent literally hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars taking the Ombudsman to court because he…


What will Daniel Andrews do with your personal details?

Wednesday 25 July 2018   Daniel Andrews has stooped to a new low. The Premier for Melbourne has serious questions to answer after personal details and salaries of former Government employees were deliberately released to the media for political gain this week. How can Regional Victorians have confidence their own personal details registered with Government…


Matters of Public Importance – Australian Labor Party

Matters of Public Importance – Australian Labor Party 25th July 2018 Mr WALSH (Murray Plains) (14:31:51) – I rise to support the member for Bulleen and his matter of public importance (MPI) which says: That this house condemns the Andrews Labor government for its systematic rorting of Victorian taxpayers dollars including: (1)   rorting electorate office budgets for…


VLine performance plummeting under Labor

VLine is in crisis under Daniel Andrews Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh has said. The latest PTV performance data shows Swan Hill line services are increasingly unreliable under Labor with fewer services arriving on time ‘“ or at all. Punctuality was down to 86.7 per cent in June 2018…


Liberal Nationals will set up weeds and pest animals taskforce

Friday 20 July 2018   An elected Liberal Nationals Government will help support Victorian farmers and land managers in the fight against weeds and pest animals with a new taskforce that will properly enforce laws. Weeds strangle the productivity of our farmers costing an estimated $4 billion through yield losses and product contamination across the…


Liberal Nationals will help farmers bridge the innovation GAPP

Friday 20 July 2018   We must increase the productivity of our farmers if Victoria is to fulfil its potential as an agriculture powerhouse. An elected Liberal Nationals Government will invest $5.3 million to roll out the Growth Adoption Production and Profitability (GAPP) program. GAPP will help Victorian farmers access new technologies and practices in…
