Join the fight against Daniel Andrews’ nine-month power grab

A new campaign is seeking feedback on the Andrews Labor Government’s move to extend its power over the lives and livelihoods of every Victorian for the rest of 2021. The State of Emergency powers give Daniel Andrews authority to make far-reaching decisions, including enforcing snap lockdowns, spending taxpayer dollars without oversight of the Parliament and…


Manure regulations are just a load of crap says Liberal Nationals

Any move to reclassify sheep, cow and chicken manure as industrial waste will bog Victorian farmers down in more unnecessary green tape. Proposed Environment Protection Authority (EPA) determinations, which would come into effect on July 1, state “manures arising from commercial, industrial or trade activities are industrial waste”. Classifying animal manure as industrial waste would…


Dan’s poor contact tracing keeping the state in lockdown

Regional Victorian families and businesses are back in lockdown because Daniel Andrews isn’t prepared to do the hard work to get gold standard contact tracing in place. While all Victorians are forced to again live under harsh restrictions, New South Wales has successfully put processes in place that ensure the state can continue to function…


Hunters deserve the truth of duck season determination

Evidence behind the decision to impose a heavily restricted duck season in Victoria in 2021 must be released, after Tasmania confirmed a full three-month season this year. The hunting community has labelled the Andrews Labor Government’s 20-day season and limit of two birds per day a stealth attempt to regulate the sector out of existence.…
