Volunteer Emergency Services Grants Available

Thursday 13th October 2016 A new grants stream to provide new equipment updated facilities and further education and training is now open to Victoria’s emergency services personnel. Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh said the Emergency Services Volunteer Sustainability Grants Program was open to brigades units clubs and volunteers from…


Member for Northern Victoria Luke O’Sullivan

Thursday 13 October 2016 The people of Northern Victoria finally have full representation in parliament after Daniel Andrews backed down and allowed a joint sitting to swear in Luke O’Sullivan as The Nationals’ new MP in the Legislative Council. Daniel Andrews had been bullying the Parliament since August 16 but was forced to back down…


Victorian Fisheries Authority Bill 2016

Thursday 13th October 2016 Second Reading  – Debate resumed from 15 September; motion of Mr DONNELLAN (Minister for Roads and Road Safety). Mr WALSH (Murray Plains) – I rise as the lead speaker on behalf of the Liberal-Nationals on the Victorian Fisheries Authority Bill 2016. This bill establishes the Victorian Fisheries Authority known as the VFA which will be…


More Police Needed for Smaller Communities

Wednesday 12th October 2016 The crime wave and law and order crisis is not just a Melbourne issue according to Leader of the Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh. In State Parliament this week Mr Walsh said a shortage of 24 hour policing resources is putting public safety at risk in small rural…


Joint Sitting of Parliament – Council Vacancy

Wednesday 12th October 2016 Legislative Council vacancy Mr WALSH (Murray Plains) – I second the motion. The Clerk – Are there any other proposals? There being no other proposal the Honourable Telmo Languiller Speaker of the Legislative Assembly will take the Chair. Motion agreed to. The CHAIR – I draw the attention of honourable members to the extracts from…


Members Statement – Campapse Crime

Tuesday 11th October 2016 Mr WALSH (Murray Plains) – The crime wave and law and order crisis that is spreading right across Victoria is not just a Melbourne issue. I draw the house’s attention to the small town of Lockington where the Pentreath’s Foodworks business had a staff member the baker held early in the morning at…


Adjournment – Swan Hill District Health

Tuesday 11th October 2016 Mr WALSH (Murray Plains) – (11 775) My adjournment issue tonight is for the Minister for Health and it is in regard to a funding application for $2.6 million from the Regional Health Infrastructure Fund for a hospice at the Swan Hill District Health hospital. To my understanding the application was submitted back in May.…


Money Available for Regional Arts

Thursday 6th October 2016 MONEY AVAILABLE FOR REGIONAL ARTS Regional arts presenters are being invited to share in $295 000 of grants under the Small Regional Presenters part of the Regional Arts Package. Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh said the funding is available to not for profit arts groups…


Chaplaincy Celebration in Ky

Tuesday 4th October 2016 Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh has encouraged Kyabram people to support a dinner being held to celebrate fifteen years of chaplaincy at Kyabram P-12 College. “The chaplaincy program offers a place of refuge to young people who are struggling with family concerns or who need…


Crime Statistics Reveal Worrying Trend

Thursday 29th September 2016 Crime across the Campaspe LGA is up nearly 20 per cent on 2015 figures new statistics from Victoria’s Crime Statistics Agency has revealed. In the Agency’s annual report released on Thursday Campaspe LGA recorded a 19.5 per cent increase in crime between June 2015 and June 2016. Total offences were up…


VicHealth Innovation Challenge Grants – Sport

Thursday 29th September 2016 Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh is encouraging sporting bodies from across the Murray Plains electorate to apply for VicHealth Innovation Challenge – Sport funding. Mr Walsh said the funding program is looking for clever ideas to get more Victorians physically active by taking community sport…
