Domestic Animals Amendment (Restricted Breed Dogs) Bill 2017

Wednesday 6th September 2017 Second Reading Debate resumed from 9 August; motion of Mr PAKULA (Attorney-General). Mr WALSH (Murray Plains) – I rise as the lead speaker for the Liberal-Nationals on the Domestic Animals Amendment (Restricted Breed Dogs) Bill 2017. The legislation before the house implements the key recommendations from the 2016 parliamentary inquiry by the Economy and…


Condolences – Hon Fiona Richardson

Tuesday 5th September 2017 Mr WALSH (Murray Plains) – I also join the condolence motion for Fiona Richardson. Fiona Richardson was a passionate Victorian committed to her family who are in the gallery here today and committed to her community and to making Victoria a better place. Fiona was born in Tanzania of Irish heritage. As Fiona…


Country hospitals hit by rising power bills

Wednesday 23 August 2017   The Andrews Labor Government has refused to commit to providing more funding to country hospitals facing skyrocketing power bills. In Parliament on Wednesday Energy Minister Lily D’Ambrosio would not guarantee additional energy costs at country hospitals – expected to be worth about $2 million in western Victoria alone – would…


Liberal-Nationals announce record funding boost for palliative care

Murray Plains residents will have access to world-class palliative care under a Liberal-Nationals government Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh has said. Mr Walsh said an elected Liberal-Nationals government would provide $140 million – the largest investment of its kind in Australia – to ensure terminally ill patients and their families can get the support…


Regional councils struggling to meet roads costs

Tuesday 15 August 2017   Country Victorians are wearing the costs of the Andrews Labor Government’s cuts to country roads funding. The parliamentary Inquiry into the Sustainability and Operational Challenges of Victoria’s Rural and Regional Councils heard today that country councils are struggling to meet the high costs of maintaining their roads network. Giving evidence…


Labor’s Surging Power Price Crisis

Tuesday 15th August 2017 Families and businesses across the Murray Plains Electorate are paying too much for energy a review into Victoria’s retail energy market has found. The Independent Review into the Electricity and Gas Retail Markets in Victoria has found regional consumers in areas with only one gas or electricity provider face significantly inflated…


Have Your Say On River Red Gum Parks

Tuesday 9 August 2017 Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh has encouraged interested community members to comment on Parks Victoria’s River Red Gum Parks Draft Management Plan. The plan is intended to be a strategic guide for managing and protecting five national parks and more than 100 other parks and…


VAGO Reports V/Line Failing In Murray Plains Electorate

Monday 14th August 2017 A scathing report on country Victoria’s V/Line network has found the Andrews Labor Government is letting down regional commuters with poor quality unreliable and overcrowded services Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh has said. The Victorian Auditor-General’s V/Line Passenger Services report found”V/Line has failed to meet key service criteria for the…


Member’s Statement Isobel Arbuthnot

Wednesday 9th August 2017 Mr WALSH (Murray Plains) – Along with many current and former MPs and family and friends I recently attended the service at St Paul’s Sale to celebrate the life of Isobel Arbuthnot. As her husband Alex said Isobel was an outstanding manager of their farming business an outstanding community person a national leader and…
