Labor refuses to detail plan for Vic dairy farmers

Tuesday 21 June 2016   Agriculture Minister Jaala Pulford has refused to answer how her State Government will further support Victoria’s dairy farmers despite her complaints that the Federal Government’s $579 million assistance package is not enough. Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce announced a $555 million concessional loans scheme last month after Murray Goulburn and…


CFA dispute Letter to the Editor

Monday 20 June 2016 Dear Editor Daniel Andrews claimed on Monday the role of the CFA is “sacrosanct” but his bullying actions are set to destroy the organisation. If Daniel Andrews actually believed his own words he would have stepped in to protect volunteers instead of selling them out to repay his union debts. The…


Rural Assistance Schemes Bill 2016

9th June 2016 – Second Reading Mr WALSH (Murray Plains) – I rise to make a contribution to debate on the Rural Assistance Schemes Bill 2016. I am not going to be lectured by the member for Yan Yean about anything to do with country Victoria. The member for Yan Yean is the one who has abandoned…


Country Fire Authority under threat in Murray Plains

Friday 3 June 2016 The Andrews Government green-lighting a takeover of the CFA by the United Firefighters Union is a complete betrayal of the brave volunteers that protect the Murray Plains electorate. A UFU takeover of the CFA would prevent volunteers from fighting fires without professional firefighters in attendance and lead to tens of thousands…


Control of CFA a step closer to union hands

Wednesday 1 June 2016 Daniel Andrews’ decision to back demands from the United Firefighters Union (UFU) puts in jeopardy Australia’s largest volunteer organisation Victorian Nationals leader Peter Walsh said. The Premier’s support of the UFU’s bid to take over the Country Fire Authority (CFA) confirms Daniel Andrews puts the demands of his union mates before…


Transport plan no comfort for regional Victorians

Monday 30 May 2016 A long-term strategy for regional public transport released by the Andrews Labor Government today fails to relieve the misery of regional Victorians still trying to navigate a disruptive and unreliable transport network. “Rehashed funding promises and undefined long-term strategies will not fix the crisis facing V/Line services “ Leader of The…


Livestock Disease Control Amendment Bill 2016

25 May 2016 Mr WALSH (Murray Plains) – I rise to speak on behalf of the Liberal-Nationals coalition opposition on the Livestock Disease Control Amendment Bill 2016. This bill and the second-reading speech may not be very large in number of pages but they have some very important content that protects an industry particularly the red meat…


Direct relief next step for Victoria’s dairy farmers

Tuesday 24 May 2016  The following comments are from Peter Walsh Leader of The Nationals and Shadow Minister for Agriculture in response to today’s announcement of further support for Victoria’s dairy industry. “Dairy farmers will appreciate the extra support services for their industry and we encourage Government to roll out the programs without delay. “The…
