Community urged to have a say in farm trespass inquiry

Wednesday 12th June 2019 Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh is encouraging the community to have their say to help fix farm trespass laws with a parliamentary inquiry into the issue now taking public submissions. The inquiry will help determine the best ways to strengthen laws to protect Victorian farmers…


Members Statement – Echuca Mitiamo Road

6 June 2019 : Mr Walsh I want to raise the concerns of all those people who are constantly contacting me and my office about the dangerous condition of the Echuca-Mitiamo Road west of Kotta. The C334 is a major east-west route in my electorate with a lot of truck traffic particularly from the south-east…


Members Statement – Swan Hill Crime

6 June 2019   Mr Walsh : The other issue while the Minister for Police and Emergency Services is at the table that I want to raise is the crime wave that is going on in Swan Hill at the moment. There are a lot of burglaries a lot of houses being entered and when they…


Firefighters’ Presumptive Rights Compensation And Fire Services Legislation Amendment (Reform) Bill 2017 Second reading

Debate resumed from 25 May; motion of Mr MERLINO (Minister for Emergency Services). Mr WALSH (Murray Plains) – I ask that the reasoned amendment in my name be circulated. I move: That all the words after “˜That’ be omitted with the view of inserting in their place the words “˜this bill be withdrawn and redrafted to: (1)   retain…


Parliament prize competition now open

Monday 3rd June 2019 The Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh is encouraging local students to enter the 2019 Parliament Prize competition. “This year the Parliament Prize is asking students to submit a video of themselves presenting a Member’s Statement ” Mr Walsh said. “A Member’s Statement is an opportunity…


Help shape caravan park regulations

Friday 31st May 2019 Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh is encouraging caravan park owners and users across the electorate to have their say on Caravan Park Regulations. The Residential Tenancies (Caravan Parks and Movable Dwellings Registration and Standards) Regulations 2010 are currently under review and open for consultation. Mr…


Labor moves to split up CFA now federal election is over

Wednesday 29 May 2019 The Andrews Labor Government has confirmed the fears of local volunteers by today reintroducing to Parliament its divisive and flawed legislation to smash up the CFA. Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh condemned the move and said Daniel Andrews had clearly been waiting to get the Federal Election out of the…


Grants available to help local organisations transition to NDIS

Wednesday 29th May 2019 Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh is encouraging eligible local organisations to apply for a share of $1.3 million in funding currently available under the Victorian Regional Readiness Fund. Grants of up to $130 000 are available to organisations to help regional and rural communities develop…


Labor’s regional cuts are nothing to be proud of

Tuesday 28th May 2019 Regional Development Minister Jaclyn Symes proclaims she’s “very proud” of Labor’s latest State Budget, despite it having no plan and no money for Regional Victoria. Ms Symes told State Parliament today she’s “very proud of the Budget we delivered yesterday for Regional Victoria”, claiming it includes $2.6 billion for Regional Victoria.…


Second Reading – Appropriation 2019-2020 Bill

28 May 2019:   Mr Walsh I rise to join the debate on the budget. I might just explain to the member for Oakleigh how the budget process actually works for the opposition. As he should know there is a budget lock-up at 10.30 in the morning. So when he constantly berates the shadow Treasurer for…


Question Without Notice – True Fooods Braeside

28 May 2019:  Mr Walsh My question is to the Treasurer. I refer to the success of the relocation of True Foods from Braeside to Maryborough and the 160 people that are now employed at this business. This business was relocated with the help of a grant from the $1 billion Regional Growth Fund. Given…


Question Without Notice – Mildura South Sports Precinct

28 May 2019:  Mr Walsh The federal Liberal-Nationals government has already committed $17.5 million to the Mildura South sports precinct but the Mildura city council needs funding from the Andrews Labor government for this project to proceed. Members interjecting. The SPEAKER: Order! Those at the table will come to order. The Leader of the House…
