Pharmacies Should Remain Local – Walsh

10 April 2015 The Member for Murray Plains and Leader of The Nationals Peter Walsh has written to The Pharmacy Guild of Australia in response to the Competition Policy Review Draft Report recommendations to deregulate pharmacies. Mr Walsh said that The Nationals do not support the Review Panel’s recommendation that regulations governing the locations and…


Labor misleads community on wild dogs

9 April 2015 The Andrews Labor Government has again misled Victorians on wild dog control today. Labor appear desperate to hide the fact they are axing the wild dog bounty and slashing funding for aerial baiting. Agriculture Minister Jaala Pulford was interviewed on ABC Gippsland this morning and made several false claims about funding for…


Andrews sacks water boards for Labor mates

8 April 2015 Fast Facts   Water board appointments Water board appointments under the previous Coalition Government balanced skills in sound governance financial management water industry experience and community connection. The Coalition was committed to bringing together highly skilled professionals who could help water corporations deliver affordable and high quality water services to local communities.…


Awards Recognise Environmental Excellence

  7 April 2015 Member for Murray Plains and Leader of The Nationals Peter Walsh has encouraged the community to nominate a project or a local hero for this year’s Victorian Landcare Awards. The biennial awards recognize the significant efforts by the many individuals groups networks and organisations who contribute to the sustainable care of…


Nuffield Scholarship a Great Opportunity – Walsh

1 April 2015 Member for Murray Plains and Leader of The Nationals Peter Walsh is encouraging young primary producers and managers to submit an application to the 2016 round of Nuffield Farming Scholarships. Mr Walsh said the awarding of a Nuffield Farming Scholarship is one of the most prestigious recognitions of achievements and potential in…


Walsh Welcomes NBN Rollout Announcement

1 April 2015 Member for Murray Plains and Leader of The Nationals Peter Walsh has welcomed this morning’s formal announcement that the next construction phase of the National Broadband Network (NBB) will include the cities of Swan Hill and Echuca. Mr Walsh said the cities were experiencing strong growth and the NBN announcement  is great…


Andrews confirms desal white elephant

1 April 2015 “The Andrews Labor Government has confirmed its desalination plant is a white elephant today by announcing not even it will order any water this year. “Labor’s desal plant is costing Melbourne households about $1.8 million a day for 27 years. It has driven up average household water bills by about $500 a…


Walsh Encourages Youth Parliament Participation

31 March 2015 Young people from across Victoria who want the opportunity to influence Victorian law have the opportunity to do so as part of the YMCA Youth Parliament program Member for Murray Plains and Leader of the Nationals Peter Walsh said today. Mr Walsh said applications for the 2015 Victorian Youth Parliament Program were…


Easter Message

 30 March 2015 The Easter season is time in the electorate of Murray Plains  when thousands of tourists and families will converge on our communities to enjoy all the sensational holiday and recreation opportunities which we are blessed to call our own. The electorate of Murray Plains hugged on its northern border by  the mighty…


Echuca Moama Bridge

Friday 25 March 2015 After 15 months of stalling the Andrews Labor Government has finally approved our much-needed second bridge. There has been $96 million in the bank for this project since November 2014 thanks to the former Liberal-Nationals Government. It’s disappointing the city-centric Andrews Labor Government has stalled for this long but now they’ve…


Leader Pays Tribute to Dr Alf Bamblett

26 March 2015 The Leader of the Victorian Nationals and Member for Murray Plains has paid his respects to Aboriginal Elder and leader Dr Alf Bamblett. Mr Walsh attended Uncle Alf’s funeral in Moama today joined by former Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and former Nationals Member for Shepparton Jeanette Powell. Mr Walsh said Uncle Alf…


Grants to keep young people out of aged care

26 March 2015 Young people with high needs who are living at home and at risk of entering aged care are now able to apply for funding assistance Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh said today. Mr Walsh said the 2015 round of Youngcare’s At Home Care Gants (AHCG) was now open for applications from…
