24 April 2015
Member for Murray Plains and Leader of The Nationals Peter Walsh is urging the Melbourne
Labor government to commit funding to the Kyabram P-12 College regeneration project in the May budget.
“Prior to the November 2014 election the Liberal Nationals Coalition announced $10 million to
enable the college to finally construct its middle years complex.
“We had previously provided funding for the designs and our election promise was to move on with
the buildings which are so desperately needed “ Mr Walsh said.
The election of the Melbourne Labor Government has been a disaster for Kyabram P-12 and
public meetings have aired the community’s disappointment and anger with Daniel Andrews.
The proposal by the Melbourne Labor government to remove the Year 9 portable has been retracted amidst enormous public pressure but the college remains in urgent need of emergency maintenance funding.
“Daniel Andrews is tearing up contracts and squandering millions of dollars to build nothing in Melbourne and his first 100 days in government has not been good for northern Victoria.
“Young people in rural and regional Victoria are entitled to have access to quality education
facilities and I urge Daniel Andrews to commit to funding the next stage of Kyabram P-12
College regeneration project “ Mr Walsh said.
“Daniel Andrews has said he will govern for all Victorians and the school community of Kyabram
expect that will include them”