VAGO Reports V/Line Failing In Murray Plains Electorate

Monday 14th August 2017 A scathing report on country Victoria’s V/Line network has found the Andrews Labor Government is letting down regional commuters with poor quality unreliable and overcrowded services Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh has said. The Victorian Auditor-General’s V/Line Passenger Services report found”V/Line has failed to meet key service criteria for the…


Member’s Statement Isobel Arbuthnot

Wednesday 9th August 2017 Mr WALSH (Murray Plains) – Along with many current and former MPs and family and friends I recently attended the service at St Paul’s Sale to celebrate the life of Isobel Arbuthnot. As her husband Alex said Isobel was an outstanding manager of their farming business an outstanding community person a national leader and…


Letter to the Editor (Fix country roads Save country lives)

Thursday 3 August 2017   Dear Editor Since New Year’s Day 87 lives have been lost on Victoria’s country roads. Our rural road networks are crumbling and urgently need an immediate funding injection to improve safety. Instead Daniel Andrews has slashed the regional roads budget by more than $360 million since coming to office in…


Zero Tolerance to Fuel Theft

Tuesday 1st August 2017 Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh has delivered a strong message of zero tolerance to those with intent to steal fuel. Mr Walsh applauded today’s announcement by the Liberal National Coalition that fuel drive-offs would be treated as a criminal matter under a Coalition Government from…


Small Grants Open to Rural Communities

Tuesday 1st August 2017 Leader of the Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh today encouraged not-for-profit organisations in the Murray Plains electorate to apply for funding from the Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal (FRRR). Grants of up to $5000 are available to help communities of 10 000 or fewer under the foundation’s…


Nationals welcome next stage of Murray Basin Rail Project

Monday 31 July 2017   The $440m Murray Basin Rail Project is steaming ahead with Federal Infrastructure and Transport Minister and The Nationals MP for Gippsland Darren Chester announcing Stage 2 construction works will begin today. Stage 2 works on the project – which has been proudly driven by Victoria’s National Party MPs – will…


Blackouts Predicted in Murray Plains Electorate

Friday 28th July  2017 Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh says that Daniel Andrews’ closure of Hazelwood Power Station threatens to cause blackouts in the Murray Plains electorate this summer. As the first summer without Hazelwood approaches experts predict Victoria will not be able to generate enough baseload energy to…


Letter to the editor: Call for submissions to Water Inquiry

Tuesday 25 July 2017 Dear editor Water is the lifeblood of communities across Northern Victoria.It fuels agriculture recreation and tourism and has a multitude of other functions from which our communities and environment derive important benefits.The Nationals recognise the importance of healthy waterways in Northern Victoria which is why recently we moved to establish a…


Golf in Victoria – Have Your Say

24th July 2017 Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh is encouraging interested Murray Plains constituents to make a submission on a recently released Planning for Golf in Victoria Discussion Paper. The Discussion Paper aims to support golf to be sustainable and grow into the future. Mr Walsh said that traditionally…


Dan’s latest desal rip off

Wednesday 19 July 2017 Melbourne water customers will get even bigger bill increases if Daniel Andrews goes ahead with his latest desal rip off. Bills more than doubled when Labor first built the desalination plant and water customers already pay $600 million a year in service payments to Aquasure without getting a drop of water.…


Random House A Dismal Disgrace

Tuesday 18th July 2017 Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh has described Random House in Rochester as a disgraceful mess and a mere shadow of its glorious past. Mr Walsh said that he had been contacted by many Rochester residents who are concerned about the deteriorating condition of the homestead…
