Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh is calling on local people to have their say on Victoria’s Mental Health System during the Royal Commission’s public submission phase.
“Victoria’s mental health system needs urgent attention,” Mr Walsh said.
“I am regularly contacted by people who have tried to raise their concerns and their personal experiences of Victoria’s mental health system, only to feel that their story falls on deaf ears.
“This Royal Commission is an opportunity to highlight areas for improvement, to look at ways to boost early intervention, and for people with a mental illness and their carers to share their story and play a part in reshaping a better mental health system in our state.”
Mr Walsh said the Victorian Auditor-General’s Report Access to Mental Health Services found that the Department of Health and Human Services has done too little to address the imbalance between demand for, and supply of mental health services in Victoria.
The workforce strategy does not address the particular issues in regional and rural areas, failing to articulate specific targets and breakdown barriers to mental health services created by geographic catchment areas.
“I strongly encourage all of my constituents who are living with a mental health illness or are caring for a loved one with a mental health illness to have their voices heard about this critically important issue,” Mr Walsh said.
For more information about how to participate in the Royal Commission and make a submission, visit: https://rcvmhs.vic.gov.au/submissions.
Submissions will be accepted until 5 July 2019.