Grants Available to Support Country Cricket

Monday 25 February 2019 Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh is encouraging clubs to submit an application to the Australian Cricket Infrastructure Fund which is also open to councils and the Grassroots Cricket Fund. “The Grassroots Cricket Fund is open to clubs situated only in regional and rural areas with…

Labor Blocks Firefighters Presumptive Rights Bill

Thursday 21 February 2019 Labor MPs have again used their numbers in the Victorian Parliament to block the introduction of a scheme to pay compensation for volunteers and paid firefighters with cancer. Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh said that the Fair Presumptive Rights for Firefighters Bill was originally introduced…

Labor to axe Regional Development Fund

Thursday 21st February 2019 The Andrews Labor Government look set to axe Victoria’s dedicated Regional Development Fund. Established by the previous Liberal Nationals government the successful fund has invested $1 billion over eight year into regional Victorian communities. Funding for the program expires on June 30 this year but the new Regional Development Minister Jaclyn…

Local irrigators win more time to have a say

Local irrigators will have an extra two weeks to provide feedback on a draft plan to manage Northern Victoria’s water resources despite the Andrews Government’s attempts to rush consultation. The Nationals supported irrigators’ calls for proper consultation on the 1000-page draft Water Resource Plan a vital plank of the Murray Darling Basin Plan securing an…

Walsh – Apply now for Youth Parliament

  Friday 15 February 2019 Young people in the Murray Plains electorate wishing to influence future Victorian law policies programs and services have the opportunity to do so as part of the YMCA Victoria Youth Parliament. Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh said applications for the 2019 program were now…

International tick of approval for sustainable Vic timber industry

Thursday 14 February 2019   I congratulate VicForests on successfully securing a further three-year Responsible Wood standard certification. The re-certification is a testament to the work being done in the industry to ensure it continues to meet stringent environmental and social responsibility standards. Despite this Daniel Andrews continues to work against the timber industry’s efforts…