Monday 19 November 2018
Dear Editor
Regional Victoria deserves a better deal.
Cuts to funding for country roads divisive attacks on our CFA volunteers and a Melbourne-centric agenda has ignored the needs of country communities and chipped away at confidence in key regional industries.
After four years it’s clear Daniel Andrews’ claim of “˜delivering for all Victorians’ is nothing more than a hollow slogan.
We need a bold vision if we’re going to make Regional Victoria an even better place to live work and play.
Growing jobs investment and opportunity in Regional Victoria will be at the heart of a Liberal Nationals Government’s agenda.
We’ll deliver our vision by connecting Regional Victoria with European-style high speed rail by buying fast reliable and comfortable new trains for country lines and by returning passenger rail to Mildura Horsham and Hamilton.
We’ll inject an extra $1 billion into fixing country roads invest in better regional telecommunications and build a brighter future for the youngest Victorians with an $80 million Fund to lift educational outcomes in the most vulnerable communities in rural and regional Victoria.
Regional businesses will be able to grow with our plan to cut payroll tax to just 1 per cent.
Community groups service clubs and grassroots sports clubs will be able to build better local facilities with the Putting Locals First Fund restored as part of our massive $1 billion Decentralisation Fund.
New and upgraded hospitals up to 60 residential rehabilitation beds across three new centres at Mildura Warrnambool and the Latrobe Valley and new Headspace outreach services will make better health a priority.
Under a Liberal Nationals Government our communities will be safer and our CFA volunteers will get the respect they deserve with investment in infrastructure and equipment to ensure they can do their job protecting our lives and property.
Victorians have a clear choice this election.
A Labor minority government beholden to the Greens’ extremist agenda at the cost of jobs and key regional industries or a strong stable Liberal Nationals Government that will deliver our bold vision for decentralisation and a better deal for Regional Victoria.
Peter Walsh
Leader of The Nationals
Member for Murray Plains