Yung Gunz Recognised In State Parliament

6 August 2015 Yung Gunz was this week recognized in State Parliament on the back of their success in reality television talent show Band Wars. Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh paid tribute to the talented group of Swan Hill rock musician who are into the Grand Final. “Eli Keating Jason Forster Shannon Bishop Callum…

Statement – The National Country Party

Tuesday 4 August 2015 The National Party of Australia – Victoria has lodged an application with the Victorian Electoral Commission to change the formal registered name of our party to The National Country Party – Victoria. I believe we are the one party that truly represents the interests of country Victorians now as much as…

Agriculture Infrastructure Fund

2 August Regional Victorians will not be fooled by the Andrews Labor Government’s attempt to bribe them with the scraps off the table from the sale of the Port of Melbourne. The Port of Melbourne was built off the back of farmers and exporters and the Melbourne focused Labor Government are again short changing regional…

Grants For Sporting Facilities Now Open

31 July 2015 Nationals Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh is encouraging councils and community organisations in the Murray Plains electorate to consider applying for funding through the Community Sports Infrastructure Fund. Mr Walsh said the program aimed to provide high-quality accessible community sport and recreation facilities across Victoria. “A range of grants is on…

Labor’s Road Maintenance Media Stunt

17 July 2015 The Melbourne Labor Government is showing absolute contempt for country Victorians with its announcement  of  a Roads Maintenance Boost for Regional Victoria . Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh said the funding is nothing more than routine VicRoads maintenance dressed up as a media stunt. “The recent State budget confirmed that Labor…

Daniel Andrews’ Holiday Plan To Cost Victoria $1 Billion

8 July 2015 A Regulatory Impact  Statement  prepared by Price Waterhouse Coopers and released this week has confirmed what all Victorian businesses and service providers already knew – the estimated costs of the new public holidays outweigh the benefits. Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh said The Regulatory Impact  Statement…

Swan Hill Women’s Forum With Local MP

7 July 2015 The Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains today hosted a roundtable discussion with community and business women of Swan Hill.  Mr Walsh said that as a general rule most of the  meetings he attends across the state are attended by men.  He said he has initiated women’s forums across…

Agricultural Competitiveness White Paper

4 July 2015 I welcome today’s release of the Federal Agricultural Competitiveness White Paper which will help Victorian producers to remain at the forefront of innovation and productivity. Given the Andrews Labor Government has no plan for agriculture and has abandoned the state’s production targets this White Paper provides a common direction for the future…

2015 Regional Achievement and Community Awards Kick Off

3 July 2015 The Regional Achievement and Community Awards have been launched for 2015. Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh said the awards reward the valuable contribution individuals businesses groups and organisations are making in regional and rural Victoria. “The Regional Achievement and Community Awards began in 2002 and have…