Nominate Now for Rural Women’s Award

Wednesday 5th September 2018   Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh is encouraging local women involved in primary industries who are passionate about their work and their community to nominate for the 2019 Rural Women’s Award. Mr Walsh said the 2019 AgriFutures Rural Women’s Award identifies and supports emerging female…

Labor’s regional rail fails

Tuesday 28 August 2018   Today’s announcement of a Melbourne suburbs rail network is another snub for regional passengers from Daniel Andrews. When it comes to regional rail fails the city-centric Premier for Melbourne and his Labor Government have: Failed to order new trains for country Victoria leaving country passengers stuck on slow old diesel…

Zero Tolerance on School Bullying

Thursday 9th August 2018 The Nationals will have a zero tolerance approach to bullying in government schools if elected in November. Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh said a new anti-bullying program would be rolled out in all government schools across the Murray Plains electorate. Mr Walsh said the $15.3…