Tuesday 25 September 2018
A Liberal Nationals Government will grow Victoria’s agriculture and food industries if elected this November.
Shadow Minister for Agriculture Peter Walsh today outlined the Liberal Nationals’ Grow Victoria commitment when the Liberal Nationals Shadow Cabinet met with industry stakeholders at the Royal Melbourne Show.
Food and fibre production is the backbone of our regional communities. A Liberal Nationals Government will invest to make sure these vital sectors continue to grow and support jobs and business opportunities throughout our State.
Our Grow Victoria commitments recognise our food fibre industries as key drivers of the Victorian economy and will include:
- Aspirational industry productivity and export targets
- Setting the strategic Grow Victoria: Food and Fibre Exports Program that will include:
- Market access
- Food security
- Research development and adoption
- Skills and technology
- Regulatory reform and red tape reduction
- Infrastructure investment
- Small and local food producers
- An annual report on the state of the Victorian agriculture industry
The Grow Victoria: Food and Fibre Exports Program will be developed among the first priorities of an elected Liberal Nationals Government and will set a strategic roadmap for the industry’s growth over 10 years.
The Liberal Nationals have already announced a $40 million investment that will support this program.
Comment attributable to Shadow Minister for Agriculture Peter Walsh
Victoria’s farm and food businesses support thousands of jobs in communities big and small across the state and contribute billions our economy but like the industries themselves we believe they can grow.
A Liberal Nationals Government will provide the leadership the clear strategy and the right policy settings that Victoria’s food and fibre industries need to drive forward and expand.
We will help Victorian local farmers and food manufacturers get more Victorian products into the rapidly expanding high value markets that are on our doorstep in South East Asia and we’ll help them pursue opportunities in other exciting growth markets like China Japan and the Middle East.
Background: Victorian Food and Fibre Industry snapshot
- In 2015/16 Victoria produced $13 billion worth of agricultural product 23 per cent of Australia’s total agricultural product.
- In 2015/16 total agricultural exports from Victoria of $11.9 billion 26 per cent of Australia’s total agricultural exports.
- Approximately 190 000 people are employed in the Victoria’s food and fibre industries.
Sources: www.agriculture.vic.gov.au