Wednesday 26 September 2018
The Andrews Labor Government today confirmed its long-overdue Cross Border Commissioner will be based in Wodonga and that the position is only funded for two years.
Shadow Minister for Regional Victoria and Decentralisation Peter Walsh said the Andrews Labor Government still wasn’t taking the needs of our cross-border communities seriously.
“This Labor Government continues to completely miss the mark on what’s needed to address the unique problems that face all our cross-border communities” Mr Walsh said.
“As a tri-state region near the South Australian and New South Wales borders Mildura is ideally-placed to be the hub of work to fix cross-border issues.
“An elected Liberal Nationals Government will honour our commitment to base the Cross Border Commissioner in Mildura backed by funding for a full four years.
“The Liberal Nationals understand just how vital it is to solve the problems including with licencing access to services and coordination of emergency services which is why we’ll invest $4 million to make sure this work continues for the next four years.”
Member for Mildura Peter Crisp said basing the Commissioner in Mildura was common sense.
“A lot changes when you go over the border and as a tri-state region that means we’re navigating three sets of rules to do business and for education and access to services” Mr Crisp said.
“I’m extremely disappointed Labor’s overlooked Mildura again as the base for the Cross Border Commissioner ignoring our strong advantage with our tri-state links.
“It’s now confirmed ‘“ only The Nationals in government will make sure the Cross Border Commissioner is based in Mildura and fully-funded for four years.”