New report on Murray Darling Basin Plan

Monday 26 June 2017   The Murray Darling Basin Plan’s (MDBP) additional 450GL upwater must be scrapped. A fresh push from the Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists today to deliver the 450GL upwater in full fails to recognise that removing more water will have devastating socio-economic impacts on southern Basin communities. There was no evidence…

Labor’s CFA Split To Be Scrutinised

Friday 23rd June 2017 The Andrews Labor Government’s plan to split the CFA will be further scrutinised by a parliamentary committee following outrage at Daniel Andrews’ failure to properly consult with CFA volunteers. In State Parliament this week the Upper House passed a motion proposed by Liberal and Nationals MPs to refer the Bill to…

Letter to the Editor – Bills In Parliament

Friday 23rd June 2017   To the editor   The following Bills were introduced last week to the Victorian Parliament which may be of interest to Murray Plains residents:   Planning and Building Legislation Amendment (Housing Affordability and Other Matters) Bill 2017   Health Legislation Amendment (Quality and Safety) Bill 2017   Yarra River Protection…

Unemployment Rises Again In North West Victoria

Friday 23rd June 2017 Jobs in north-west Victoria are disappearing under Daniel Andrews but he is standing idly by and doing nothing Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh has said. New data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) shows there are now 5976 people unemployed in north-west Victoria putting the unemployment rate at 7.8…

Labor protecting wild dogs not farmers

Thursday 22 June 2017   Agriculture Minister Jaala Pulford has failed to explain in Parliament today why she appointed not one but two dingo conservationists to her long overdue Wild Dog Control Advisory Committee. Despite both being outspoken critics of the use of bounties and baiting programs the two university researchers will now be providing…

Native vegetation laws

Wednesday 21 June 2017   The Andrews Labor Government is on notice that it must get on with native vegetation law reforms. The Victorian Farmers Federation has warned the number of trees on Victorian farmland will continue to decline unless the system is made more workable for farmers. A review of Victoria’s native vegetation laws…

Labor sparks Heyfield mill fire sale

Tuesday 20 June 2017   Agriculture Minister Jaala Pulford still refuses to admit the Labor Government’s offer to buy the Heyfield mill is just smoke and mirrors. In Parliament today Nationals Member for Eastern Victoria Melina Bath asked the Minister why the Andrews Labor Government failed to make a commercially realistic offer to the mill…

Crime Up 25 per cent in Campaspe

Thursday 15th June 2017 Daniel Andrews refuses to take action to fix the violent crime rate in Victoria Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh has said. New figures released by the Victorian Crime Statistics Agency today show crime across the Campaspe region has risen a staggering 24.65 per cent since December 2014. Total offences were…