Liberals and Nationals’ plan to stop Labor’s extermination of Victoria’s iconic brumbies

A Matthew Guy-led Liberals and Nationals Government will stop Labor’s extermination of Victoria’s brumby population. The new plan, announced today, will see a shift in focus to rehoming and veterinary intervention to manage the brumby population, standing in stark contrast to Labor’s plan for total eradication. The Liberals and Nationals’ new approach will involve: The…

Victorian farmers fear decades of agriculture R&D facing the chopping block

Victorian farmers fear the Andrews Labor Government is “abandoning” agriculture R&D by systematically “whittling down research capabilities” after reports today Hamilton’s multi-million-dollar red meat centre is under a cloud of doubt. Labor has been on the warpath making cuts to agriculture jobs and R&D capabilities, with $47.8 million cut from the agriculture budget this year…

Parliament report exposes Labor’s savage regional rip-off

A new report by Victoria’s Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO) has exposed the Andrews Labor Government’s severe under-investment in regional Victoria. The report, Asset investment excluding Australian Government funding, reveals the extreme neglect of regional Victoria under a city-centric Labor Government that’s investing 114 per cent per person in metropolitan Melbourne when compared to regional counterparts.…