‘Independent’ Haines betrays regional Victoria – Joint Media Release Peter Walsh MP and Tim McCurdy MP

Helen Haines has voted for the Albanese Labor Government’s destructive 450GL of water buybacks in a brazen betrayal of regional communities.   Dr Haines joined with Labor, the Greens and teal ‘independents’ in a vote that ignores the social and economic neutrality test, smashing the bipartisan support that has driven the Murray Darling Basin Plan…

LETTER TO THE EDITOR -Re Voice Referendum

Dear Editor,   The emphatic result of the Voice referendum is a loud and clear call for unity.   The outcome proves that most Victorians proudly believe we are all Australians, regardless of our heritage, and that disadvantage in all parts of our society needs to be addressed.   As Victorians, we don’t want more…

Failures in flood warning system hurts regional communities

The parliamentary inquiry into last year’s flood event has uncovered significant shortcomings in Victoria’s Emergency Management warning system under the Labor Government.   Evidence provided to the hearings this week highlighted how poorly informed and exposed regional communities were during emergency flood events.   The Environment and Planning Committee, which grilled key figures in the…

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor,   So much for a traditional honeymoon period for new Premier Jacinta Allan.   Truth is, the honeymoon never started. Only two weeks into her term, she is grappling with the ongoing nightmare that is the Commonwealth Games debacle.   Allan refused to front an inquiry into the Games cancellation, even though she…