Labor all bark and no bite on wild dog control

Tuesday 8 May 2018   Background Daniel Andrews’ city-centric Labor government is leaving livestock – and farmers’ livelihoods – under threat. Wild dog controllers have been banned from using larger dog control traps due to”animal welfare concerns”. These traps are used to trap wild dogs that viciously maim disembowel and kill lambs calves and native…

Labor’s raw deal for Victorian farmers

Tuesday 8 May 2018   Agriculture is the backbone of communities across Victoria but Daniel Andrews continues to hand our regional industries a raw deal. Labor’s latest State Budget makes its priorities clear: protect inner-city votes at any cost with a green agenda that treats our agricultural industries as an after-thought. Labor’s State Budget has…

Grassroots Sport Gets Belted Under Daniel Andrews

Monday 7th May 2018 Victoria’s grassroots sports clubs are being forced to borrow money – and pay it back with interest – under the Andrews Labor Government while big business gets a free kick. Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh said that despite these loans being sold as “interest-free-loans” under…

Swan Hill Gets A Raw Deal From Daniel Andrews

Wednesday 2nd May 2018 Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh said that Andrews Labor Government’s latest State Budget offered a very raw deal to Swan Hill and district. Mr Walsh said he was bitterly disappointed Labor had again ignored the pressing need to fund the continued redevelopment of Swan Hill…

Kyabram Gets Raw Deal From Daniel Andrews

Wednesday 2nd May 2018 Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh said that Andrews Labor Government’s latest State Budget offered a very raw deal to the people of Kyabram and district. Mr Walsh said he was bitterly disappointed Labor had again ignored the pressing need to fund the completion of Kyabram…

Next Step to Secure Mitiamo’s Water Supply

Wednesday 2nd May 2018 Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh has congratulated community members who drove calls for better water security in the Mitiamo district following a long overdue allocation of funds in this week’s State Budget. The Andrews Labor Government has finally agreed to invest $10.2 million for Victoria’s…

Raw Deal for Echuca Specialist School in Labor’s Budget

Tuesday 1 May 2018 The Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh has described today’s State Budget as a bitter disappointment for the staff students and families of Echuca Specialist School. Mr Walsh said the Andrews Labor Government had promised big but delivered little for regional education completely overlooking the desperately-needed…