Labor’s sham plantation plan

Wednesday 24 April 2019   Daniel Andrews’ plantation timber ‘˜plan’ is a sham. Not a single tree has been planted since the Andrews Government promised in May 2017 to “expand Victoria’s plantation estate and increase the proportion of plantation-grown timber”. Today after two years of delays we find out Labor’s plan for “new” plantation forest…

Farmers ignored in Labor’s sham rates review

Wednesday 17 April 2019   The Andrews Labor Government’s sham review into rates won’t address the number one issue faced by farmers: the unfair rates cap. Shadow Minister for Agriculture Peter Walsh has slammed the terms of reference which were finally released by the Andrews Government today after lengthy delay. “Labor’s so-called Fair Go rates…

Stronger laws the priority to protect Victorian farmers

Wednesday 17 April 2019   The Andrews Labor Government is stalling on calls to fix farm trespass laws despite Victorian farmers and farm businesses still being relentlessly targeted by extreme activists. The Federal Liberal Nationals Government and the Queensland Government have both announced stronger penalties to stop activists targeting farms in the past week but…

Funding on offer to tackle tough times together

Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains is encouraging grassroots organisations based in the Swan Hill and Gannawarra Shires to apply for grants of up to $150,000 to access the resources they need to support one another through the ongoing effects of the drought. Mr Walsh said the Tackling Tough Times Together grant…

No “˜fair go’ for timber jobs under Labor

Wednesday 10 April 2019   When Daniel Andrews claimed at a union rally in Melbourne today that workers should get ‘˜a fair go’ he clearly didn’t mean all workers. After all Daniel Andrews’ stealth campaign to destroy Victoria’s $7.32 billion timber industry is threatening tens of thousands of jobs across East Gippsland and north east…

Activists or not – break the law face the consequences

Monday 8 April 2019   Victorian farmers should be able to go to work without fear of harassment intimidation or threats against them their family or their business. It’s gutting to see our farmers relentlessly targeted by extreme activists hell-bent on destroying Victoria’s agriculture sector. Yesterday constant attacks from extreme activists forced Yarragon’s beloved Gippy…

Kangaroo pet food program

Friday 29 March 2019   The Andrews Government’s decision to continue the kangaroo pet food program is long overdue. Farmers professional shooters and pet food processors have been calling on the Government to confirm the trial’s future for months after being left in limbo year after year because Daniel Andrews refused to make the trial…

Daniel Andrews on standby as country Victoria loses population

Thursday 28 March 2019   Daniel Andrews’ Melbourne-centric agenda is strangling growth in country communities with new figures showing a shocking decline in Regional Victoria’s population. The latest Regional Population Growth report from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) reveals Melbourne’s bursting at the seams with 327 people moving to the city every day. Melbourne…