Labor’s $277m secret water report

Wednesday 7 December 2016 Agriculture Minister Jaala Pulford has refused to rule out reversing the north-south pipeline a project that would come at significant cost to farmers. A secret government report last week found reversing the north-south pipeline would cost $277 million require upgraded pumps and 14km of new pipes either under or over the…

Energy Assistance Grants Available for Businesses

Tuesday 6th December 2016 Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh is encouraging eligible businesses across the Murray Plains electorate to apply for an Energy Assessment Grant. “Industry has made it absolutely clear that the responsibility of power price rises rests with the Andrews Labor Government and their damaging energy policies…

Inquiry into Domestic Animals Amendment

Tuesday 6 December 2016 Background The Legislative Council’s Economy and Infrastructure Committee handed down the final report for the Inquiry into the Domestic Animals Amendment (Puppy Farms and Pet Shops) Bill 2016 today. Among 18 recommendations and one finding were: that consultation with relevant stakeholders in regard to this Bill was inadequate and that it…

First nectarines flown into China

Tuesday 6 December 2016 Swan Hill growers are among the first Victorian nectarines exported to Shanghai markets under new trade protocols Shadow Minister for Agriculture Peter Walsh has said. The import protocols were finalised with the Chinese Government in May this year and were the first new industry opening for summerfruit in about two decades.…

Country People Hardest Hit by High Fuel Prices

Thursday 1st December 2016 Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh said the Andrews Labor Government’s new laws to ban display of discounted fuel prices fails to address the major concern for local motorists – high fuel prices. A ban on fuel retailers displaying discounted prices came into effect this week.…

Labor Ignores Swan Hill Rail Commuters

Thursday 1st December 2016 Minister for Public Transport Jacinta Allan  has shown complete disrespect to regional rail commuters on in the Murray Plains Electorate with her announcement this week on additional services  according to Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh. “The Minister promised 80 new regional services across the state…

Labor Ignores Rail Passengers Beyond Bendigo

Thursday 1st December 2016 Minister for Public Transport Jacinta Allan  has shown complete disrespect to rail commuters on the Echuca Bendigo line with her announcement this week on additional services according to Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh. Mr Walsh said that the line is a vital link for specialist…

Local History Grants Now Available

Thursday 24th November 2016 Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh has encouraged community groups to apply for a share in $350 000 in funding for projects that preserve and share stories from our past. Mr Walsh said this latest round of grants of up to $15 000 is available through…

Echuca Must Benefit From New VLine Services

Thursday 24 November 2016 New VLine services to Echuca must be among 80 additional services to be announced next week Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Peter Walsh said. Mr Walsh said country commuters – and not just Bendigo residents – must benefit from the 10 new services for the Bendigo line. “We…