Monday 25 September 2017
Country Victoria is at the heart of the Liberal Nationals plan to better manage our population and grow our whole state – not just Melbourne.
The Liberal Nationals strongly believe a whole-of-government approach is integral to delivering the best outcome for rural and regional Victoria and our new Shadow Minister for Decentralisation portfolio is key to delivering for those communities.
Decentralising our population by creating good jobs that will support more small business opportunities in our regional centres is central to our plan for regional development.
As Shadow Minister for Decentralisation I will work closely with Liberal Party Leader Matthew Guy in his role of Shadow Minister for Population to develop a population policy for Victoria which includes maximum benefit and opportunity for regional communities.
We want Victoria to be a state of cities not a city state.
That’s why our plan will also include building the roads and transport infrastructure to better connect our cities and towns as well as providing better schools and local health care.
The Andrews Labor Government has no plan to manage our population growth and regional Victoria is missing out as a direct result of Labor’s incompetence.
Under Labor country roads have been left to crumble and skyrocketing energy costs and other cost of living pressures are making it harder to do business and causing job losses across regional Victoria.
Victorians will have a clear choice at the next election. A choice between the Liberal Nationals team that is focused and united on the issues that matter like jobs cost of living and regional connectivity or a Labor administration preoccupied with factional fights and rorting the taxpayer.