Letter to the Editor (High-speed regional rail)

Monday 15 October 2018   Dear Editor Better regional rail will bring our country communities closer together and closer to more jobs as well as specialist medical services TAFEs and universities. Victoria’s rail network is a critical link for country Victorians but the current network is tired unreliable and slow. It’s one of the biggest…


Liberal Nationals will fund Swan Hill hospital upgrade

Monday 8 October 2018 Swan Hill’s District Hospital will get the vital $44 million upgrade it needs under a Liberal Nationals government. The Nationals Leader and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh and Opposition Leader Matthew Guy met with the hospital’s campaign committee this morning to confirm the commitment. “It’s Swan Hill’s turn now.  Our…


Liberal Nationals will return passenger rail to Horsham

Wednesday 3 October 2018   A Liberal Nationals Government will transform Victoria’s regional rail network slashing travel times to Western Victoria and bringing back passenger rail to Horsham. A reopened Horsham rail line will bring our communities closer to universities TAFEs and specialist medical services connecting with a new fast regional rail line from Ararat…


Liberal Nationals will not change pet breeding laws

Thursday 27 September 2018   The Liberal Nationals strongly support shutting down cruel and illegal pet breeders in Victoria. We have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to treating pets cruelly and inhumanely.   A Liberal Nationals Government will maintain Victoria’s strict laws and regulations with respect to domestic dog and cat breeding. Current…


Breaking down country student barriers

Thursday 27th September 2018 Rural students choosing to study away from home at the completion of their secondary schooling will be better supported to settle into tertiary education under a Liberal Nationals Government. Moving away from family and friends for university or TAFE study ‘“ often in Melbourne or further abroad ‘“ is a daunting…


Labor overlooks Mildura as hub for Cross Border Commissioner

Wednesday 26 September 2018   The Andrews Labor Government today confirmed its long-overdue Cross Border Commissioner will be based in Wodonga and that the position is only funded for two years. Shadow Minister for Regional Victoria and Decentralisation Peter Walsh said the Andrews Labor Government still wasn’t taking the needs of our cross-border communities seriously.…


Liberal Nationals’ plan to drive growth in Victorian agriculture

Tuesday 25 September 2018   A Liberal Nationals Government will grow Victoria’s agriculture and food industries if elected this November. Shadow Minister for Agriculture Peter Walsh today outlined the Liberal Nationals’ Grow Victoria commitment when the Liberal Nationals Shadow Cabinet met with industry stakeholders at the Royal Melbourne Show. Food and fibre production is the…
