Shepparton to win gold at 2026 Commonwealth Games

After being snubbed by the Andrews Labor Government in a bid to host events for the Victoria 2026 Commonwealth Games, Shepparton will be included as a hub if a Liberal and Nationals Government is elected in November. Leader of The Nationals Peter Walsh and Shadow Minister for Sport Cindy McLeish were at Shepparton Sports Stadium…


Labor leaves farmers vulnerable to threat of FMD

  The Andrews Labor Government is determined to leave Victoria’s farmers stranded with its refusal to support The Nationals in legislating common-sense changes to better protect licenced water frontage and Australia’s $80 billion agriculture industry from threats such as the current risk of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD). The Nationals leader Peter Walsh says with Australian agriculture…


Clear plans needed from Labor for biosecurity

Under questioning in State Parliament today, Victorian Minister for Agriculture Gayle Tierney refused to make public the plans of what the Andrews Labor Government is doing to ensure that Victoria is prepared for a Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) outbreak.   The Nationals Member for Eastern Victoria Region Melina Bath said Ms Tierney’s empty words…


Watt is Canberra doing to save Australia’s livestock industry?

The Nationals leader and Member for Murray Plains, Peter Walsh, says the failure of Federal Agriculture Minister Murray Watt and the Albanese government to act immediately has almost condemned Australia to being hit by foot and mouth disease. Mr Walsh says Australia’s livestock industries are all but resigned to foot and mouth disease devastating their…


Hydrogen master plan lifts hopes for sustainable future says Walsh

The Nationals leader and Member for Murray Plains, Peter Walsh, says the $1 billion Victorian hydrogen strategy released by The Nationals and Liberals ahead of the Victoria state election restores hope for more efficient and sustainable energy solutions for regional Victoria. Mr Walsh describes the Victorian gas reservation policy for new gas developments as “a…


Labor must come clear today on its new COVID mandates says Walsh

The Nationals leader and Member for Murray Plains, Peter Walsh, says how can Victorians make any short-term plans – let alone long-term – when the Andrews Labor government keeps threatening to bring back its draconian COVID mandates. Mr Walsh says Health Minister Mary-Anne Thomas has confirmed in radio and TV interviews the Andrews Labor government…


Statement from the Leader of The Nationals Peter Walsh

Steph Ryan has been a driving force for positive change for regional Victorians during her time as the Member for Euroa and Deputy Leader of The Nationals. She’s advised me today she will not seek re-election for Euroa at the 2022 Victorian State Election in November. I know this is not a decision she’s come…


Bolstered biosecurity crucial to stop catastrophic incursion of FMD

Australian biosecurity efforts must be strengthened following confirmation this week that foot and mouth disease (FMD) has been detected in cows in Indonesia. With thousands of Australians travelling to the tropical island nation to escape the winter, iron-clad safeguards must be put in place to protect the health of livestock, our farmers’ livelihoods and the…


Statement on the Yoorrook Justice Commission interim report

The Liberals and Nationals will consider, in detail, the interim report delivered today by the Yoorrook Justice Commission, with consideration to advancing the Treaty process in a way that supports self-determination, reconciliation and Victoria’s commitments on Closing the Gap. The Yoorrook Justice Commission’s work is central to the truth-telling process, but it must go hand…
