Letter to the Editor (Duck hunting season opening weekend)

Thursday 15 March 2018   Dear Editor Duck season opening weekend brings thousands of Victorian hunters and their families into regional Victoria every year. But the huge boost they provide to our regional economies is under threat because the Andrews Labor Government continues to push its anti-hunting agenda. Daniel Andrews and Jaala Pulford appear to…


Parliament House Open Day

Wednesday 14th March 2018 Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh has issued an invitation to the people of Murray Plains Electorate to visit Parliament House for the Open Day Sunday 18th March 2018. “The day offers visitors the chance to explore areas of Parliament not usually open to the public”…


Community Heritage Grants Program

Monday 6th March 2018 The National Library of Australia has announced the 2018 Community Heritage Grants Program which is providing grants of up to $15 000 to assist in the preservation of cultural heritage collections of national significance. Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh said the program comes with the…


Men’s Shed Funding

7th March 2018 Grants of up to $60 000 are now available to build new men’s shed and $30 000 to redevelop and modify existing Men’s Sheds in the Murray Plains electorate Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh said today. Mr Walsh encouraged incorporated not-for-profit groups to apply for the…


Aboriginal Honour Roll

Friday 2nd March 2018   Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh has called for nominations for the 2018 Victorian Aboriginal Honour Roll.   “The Honour Roll recognizes aboriginal people who have made a real and lasting contribution to their communities and to Victoria” Mr Walsh said   “The Murray Plains…


Numurkah Floodplain Management Strategy

Friday 2nd March 2018 NUMURKAH FLOODPLAIN MANAGEMENT STRATEGY AND PLAN – LETTER TO THE EDITOR   Dear Editor   I write in regard to the Numurkah Floodplain Management Study and Plan. I have received and read the Summary Report of the Study and Plan and I congratulate the Numurkah community on the hours of work…


Basin Rail milestone celebrated at Merbein

Wednesday 28 February 2018   A terrific milestone in the Murray Basin Rail Project has been reached with the first freight train departing Merbein and heading south on the newly standardised Mildura rail line this week. The Nationals’ Member for Mildura Peter Crisp Leader and Shadow Minister for Regional Victoria and Decentralisation Peter Walsh and…


Walsh – Statement on Barnaby Joyce

STATEMENT ON BARNABY JOYCE Attributable to Leader of The Nationals Peter Walsh Barnaby Joyce is a tenacious and unabashed champion of rural and regional Australia and there’s no doubt communities across the country will reap benefits from Barnaby’s strong advocacy long into the future. The State Nationals team thank Barnaby for all he has done…


Safety Concerns for Twin Rivers Students

Friday 23rd February 2018 Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh MP is calling for a school pedestrian crossing on the Northern Highway Echuca to service the new Echuca Twin Rivers Primary School.   Mr Walsh raised the matter in State Parliament this week when he expressed the community’s concerns for…


Scholarships for Regional Leaders with a Disability

Thursday 15th February 2018   If you have a disability and want to develop your leadership skills to the next level then the free leadership development program offered by the Disability Leadership Institute might be of interest.   Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh MP is encouraging emerging and established…


Liberal Nationals to make kangaroo pet food trial permanent

Wednesday 14 February 2018 A Liberal Nationals government will give Victoria’s emerging kangaroo pet food industry certainty and make the current trial program permanent. In Seymour to make the announcement Shadow Minister for Agriculture Peter Walsh said the Liberal Nationals will also expand the program to take in other areas where kangaroo numbers are out-of-control.…


Walsh Encourages Youth Parliament

Thursday 8th February 2018 Young people from across Victoria who want the opportunity to influence Victorian law have the opportunity to do so as part of the YMCA Youth Parliament program Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh said today. Mr Walsh said applications for the 2018 Victorian Youth Parliament Program…


Regional communities to host Parliament under Liberal Nationals

Thursday 8 February 2018   Communities in Regional Victoria would host Victorian Parliament for the first time since 2012 under an elected Liberal Nationals government. Opposition Leader Matthew Guy and Shadow Minister for Regional Victoria and Decentralisation Peter Walsh announced the commitment today at State Parliament in the first sitting week of 2018. The Liberal…
