Wednesday 3 October 2018
A Liberal Nationals Government will transform Victoria’s regional rail network slashing travel times to Western Victoria and bringing back passenger rail to Horsham.
A reopened Horsham rail line will bring our communities closer to universities TAFEs and specialist medical services connecting with a new fast regional rail line from Ararat through to Melbourne.
European-style high speed rail will be delivered right across Victoria by an elected Liberal National Government including between Ballarat and Melbourne which will go from 73 minutes to under 45 minutes.
Member for Lowan Emma Kealy said a faster rail connection to Ararat will cut travel times to Melbourne by 30 minutes meaning returned Horsham services will arrive sooner.
“Better regional rail services will bring our communities closer together making it possible to live in one town and work in another” Ms Kealy said.
“Our communities are endlessly frustrated by Labor’s neglect failing for the past four years to return passenger rail beyond Ararat.
“By better connecting Horsham with Regional Victoria we’ll make it easier for workers students visitors and our whole community to get where we need to be.”
This $15 billion to $19 billion super-infrastructure will cut travel times on all regional rail lines and will be planned and built in three stages over the next ten years.
Leader of The Nationals Peter Walsh said faster rail would better connect Western Victoria with services and jobs in nearby communities and in Melbourne.
“Daniel Andrews has been the Premier for Melbourne. A Liberal Nationals Government will be for all of Victoria not just Melbourne” Mr Walsh said.
“When we reduce travel times we increase opportunities for people to live in one place and work in another.
“If we truly want to decentralise our state we have to improve connectivity between our regional communities.”
An elected Liberal Nationals Government will:
- Fund the much-wanted business case to extend V/Line train services to Horsham and Hamilton.
- Add new bus services between Horsham and Hamilton.
- Make timetabling improvements to help more people get where they want to be when they want to get there.
- Introduce tourist friendly coach services to Halls Gap and the Grampians including timetable improvements to provide better connections more shelters and room for bikes to be carried on the bus to support growing tourist visitation to the Grampians; and
- Ensure a weekday train service arrives in Ararat before 9am.