Next Step to Secure Mitiamo’s Water Supply

Wednesday 2nd May 2018 Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh has congratulated community members who drove calls for better water security in the Mitiamo district following a long overdue allocation of funds in this week’s State Budget. The Andrews Labor Government has finally agreed to invest $10.2 million for Victoria’s…


Raw Deal for Echuca Specialist School in Labor’s Budget

Tuesday 1 May 2018 The Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh has described today’s State Budget as a bitter disappointment for the staff students and families of Echuca Specialist School. Mr Walsh said the Andrews Labor Government had promised big but delivered little for regional education completely overlooking the desperately-needed…


Taxes up families worse off in raw deal for Regional Victoria

Tuesday 1 May 2018   Regional Victoria has been handed another raw deal from the city-centric Andrews Labor Government. Labor’s latest budget pours $25 billion into metro project blowouts but it’s more of the same old scraps off the table for the people of Regional Victoria. Yet again the Premier for Melbourne is dishing up…


Mildura’s transformational rail revival will continue

Tuesday 24 April 2018   Mildura’s transformational rail revival will continue under an elected Liberal Nationals Government. The Nationals’ Leader Peter Walsh and Member for Mildura Peter Crisp committed $80 million to the next stage of rail works in Mildura today outlining plans for level crossings upgrades and extending passing loops on the line from…


Volunteer Awards Open

23rd April 2018 Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh is encouraging his constituents in the Murray Plains Electorate to nominate a valued volunteer in the Victorian Champions Awards. “The awards recognise and reward the tireless efforts of the many volunteers who keep our communities strong” said Mr Walsh. “We depend…


Twin Rivers To Get A New School Crossing

Monday 23rd April 2018 Twin Rivers Primary School Echuca is set to get a new formal school crossing Leader of the Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh said today. Mr Walsh said he had been working with the community to secure a safe crossing since the new school opened in February this year.…


The Nationals Pledge $500 000 Upgrade For Leitchville CFA

Thursday 19 April 2018 A brand new CFA station will be built at Leitchville under an elected Nationals government to make sure our local volunteers are best placed to protect our community Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh announced today. Mr Walsh announced the $500 000 commitment in Leitchville today with the investment to fund…


Rorting Labor mate to keep plum job at PrimeSafe

Thursday 29 March 2018   Background Today Agriculture Minister Jaala Pulford refused to condemn former Labor Member for Northern Victoria Candy Broad for rorting Victorian taxpayers’ money. The Ombudsman’s investigation into Labor’s “˜Red Shirts’ rorts named Ms Broad now chair of PrimeSafe among 21 Labor MPs who employed electorate officers at taxpayers’ expense in the…


Labor threatens 100 jobs in regional Victoria

Monday 26 March 2018   One hundred jobs in regional Victoria could be axed if the Andrews Labor Government cuts the successful kangaroo pet food trial. The trial’s current extension ends later this week. Premier Daniel Andrews and his Agriculture Minister Jaala Pulford hold the future of Victoria’s pet food processors and at least 100…
